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Uplink (the game)
Has anyone of you played it? I got it when it first came out in 2001, now you can get it from Steam for $9.95.

It's a great game, you get to hack into banks, corporate mainframes and LANs etc.(fun fun fun) using password breakers, decyphers, proxy/firewall/monitor disablers and bypassers. Once you start hacking a active trace starts and you have only limited time to hack. After you've done what you need to do, you have to delete logs to prevent them from getting to you through passive tracing.

You start in basics, you hack into a simple server with only a password protection and steal or delete information. After that you get to hack into goverment servers wich hold academic/criminal/personal information and change 'em. Then the good stuff, you get to destroy a whole mainframe, hack someones bank account to check their balance/transfers (or steal money for yourself, 8x 200Ghz cpus cost money! It's hard though, you got like 20 secs to delete any evidence of the money transfer and your connection.). This goes on, don't want to give everything away.

After you've completed a couple missions you can start buying new software and hardware to hack faster and better. You start with a gateway with 1 cpu slot (60Ghz cpu), 24Gq memory(32Gq max), 1Gq net and no security slots. The best rig has 8 cpu slots, 96Gq memory, 8Gq net and 3 security slots (you need only 2, a motion sensor and a gateway nuke). If you get cought for the hack, in the beginning you get a fine, later on it's game over if you don't have the the nuke to blow up the gateway when the feds come.
HIYAAAAAAaaa FACEKICK IN YOUR FACE....... Nah i'm just kidding
Re: Uplink (the game)
Played the demo as soon as it was out, couldn't find it anywhere Bought Darwinia though... and I managed to buy Uplink off their site literally weeks ago!

VERY immersive game. Great to play in a dark room when it rains.
Re: Uplink (the game)

Yeah, it's quite cool. I played the demo. Might buy it from steam
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: Uplink (the game)
Ewww, veb

Anyhoo, i loved uplink greatly when it came out and that's all i remember, i was hacking shmacking when i was drunk though... for some reason when i played it drunk the scores were better
What what? In the butt.
Re: Uplink (the game)
I really enjoyed Uplink, but have misplaced my copy, I'm afraid :/ Was a great game to pass the time with. Now, if it were playable on the pocket pc, I'd love it even more...
boaf's wub. :3
Re: Uplink (the game)
ive played a game like this but it was a much more basic version with only about 10 different commands to do :S
Re: Uplink (the game)
Uplink was fun to play for a while. But I'm really looking forward to Introversion's next game: Defcon, "It's Global Thermonuclear War, and nobody wins. But maybe - just maybe - you can lose the least." It looks excellent to me, and it should release the end of September.