Original Post
Return of the Wiki

The wiki has been re-enabled for your usage. Time to bang together your collective knowledge into an all encompassing repository of Perfected Violence
Nice Finally TB Wiki back!
But i think there's a lot of work here beacuse almost all the data are WAAAY outdated.
|Windows Belt 10| |Damned Leader| |Ex-GameKeeper-2010| |RUTori| |Á¸² ÅùÁ|
|Ex-ClanSquad-2018| |20% Cooler than you| |1st nick - Major|

the wiki will be filled up ... well by you people mostly since you play the game =)

onoes. will this spell he end of the tutorials board?

horay the wiki is back i swear this has been gone for atleast 9 months now. thanks guys.
CkyToH/GuineaTigg Active from Mar 2008 - Jan 2019
Wooot o/
But will you remove it again ?
And if you do, please prevent at least some days before. :o

Anyway, thanks.
Toriolympics - 2nd place | Fr_Death Leader |ORMO Member |
Pretty awesome, trying to lead the way with making a clan page for vibe but it's not very easy for those who's coding knowledge goes as far as bbcode :(