Original Post
Heads up!
I am very bored recently. So, i am going to offer to make heads to anyone in Pit Fighters.

Just tell me what u want, and i shall do it. But please use my template so i can get it very acurate. ADD AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE! Or a url to a picture.


Example for mine:

Name: Emo-Boy
Eyes: White Glasses
Hair: White outlined hair
Mouth: white sad mouth line
Other: Black Head, Search emo rangers, i want Introspective Ranger's head

EDIT: Go to INSTEAD! And just say if ur in PF, and i will check.
You get a discount if its a head :P
Attached Images
Emo-Boy.jpg (33.8 KB, 39 views)
Attached Files
Emo-Boy.tga (64.0 KB, 14 views)
Re: Heads up!
hell, why not

Eyes:slits, burning with rage
Hair:none, black head
Mouth:jagged pointy teeth, lots of teeth
Other:black head
Re: Heads up!
bens allreddy made mine, it's my avitar but without the glowingness...

download here:
Attached Files
Sieg_Storm.tga (64.0 KB, 24 views)
Re: Heads up!
ok. i'm not sure if this is the kinda thing u wanted. just say any changes and i'll make them ^^
So, here is version 1 of your head.
Attached Files
RoboTurkey2.tga (64.0 KB, 25 views)
Re: Heads up!
Got new head, asking hampa to upload it, buying game when i get home from sis's tomrowz or day affterzzzz ugh sorry on drugs can find spell checker...