Original Post


runshu is a mod like runkido, where you run towards the other player then fight till your death or dq.


in runshu your hands are heavier than the rest of your body causing it to be harder for you to run, your neck and pecs are weaker than the rest of your body, but the neck is the weakest with a damage threshold of 50. the gravity is set to -32, and turn frames 15, causing a huge learning curve in running techniques so you have to improvise your running. there is no grabbing like lenshu and wushu. the dojo is small-medium with a circular dojo of a radius of 500. your engage distance is 500, giving you just enough room to take 1-2 steps before you start attacking eachother.

How to win:

well there is multiple ways to win. you can decap the persons pecs or head, push them out of the dojo, or simply even dq them within the dojo. there isnt a dq time out so if you touch the floor with any joints your screwed, also this is based off classic instead of sumo, so your wrists also dq.

How i thought to make this mod:

well i was playing some runkido and lenshu with my friend [l]Draku, and i thought to myself "i havent ever seen or heard of a RUNSHU like mod. so there for i made this masterpeice of a mod.



How to get it/play it:
Download the attachment or if your in multiplayer i beleive you can set the mod to "runshu_official.tbm"
Attached Files
runshu_official.tbm (1.1 KB, 15 views)