Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
someone review this replay please .
im not very good, i stopped playing for a while and i got back in about 2 months ago probably less. and i was so bad when i used to play in 2020, i was always on hold, never got a decap, just slapped uke like a stone statue,,

but after tips, and being on relax and help from my brother to learn, and the hours ive put in, i put my soul into this replay. someone please tell me if this is good because i am happy with how this turned out
Attached Files
AWESOME REPLAY.rpl (121.0 KB, 13 views)
This is actually pretty cool! Thats a lot of DMs! You're doing really well dude, keep it up.

I suggest for future replays to not grab uke all the time, just only when necessary. I know, it will be tough, but practice makes perfect
Running away...
you have to find a way to keep uke close. theres plenty of examples in ukebash and Manipulation replays.

you can use grabbing for now :] but slowly use it less and less.

obviously sometimes you have to grab uke, thats ok, but its not that necessary grabbing him for more than 50 frames
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