Original Post
Management Opportunity
I need more people in Management, to help with decisions and such. Below is an example of a good resumee:

Name: D0mination
Join Date*: 02-28-2008
Reason I Joined: I wanted to be someone that other members of the community look up to.
Reason I Should be Inducted to Management: *im teh leader XD*
OTHER NOTES: Includes information such as Belts, Achievements, Skills, Knowledge, etc.

* it is ok to forget this, it is not mandatory. (and i forget too XD) ~thanx Gen, how do you remember these things?

: 0
SP1DEY999 has been inducted into Management! =D Congratz!
LRG has been inducted into Management! =D Congratz!
shyeagle17 has been inducted into Management! =D Congratz!
Last edited by D0mination; Jun 11, 2008 at 10:30 PM.
Authentic Furry
Name: GlacierMan
Join Date*: 04-03-2008
Reason I Joined: I wanted to help new people learn the mystical ways of the toribashian gods
Reason I Should be Inducted to Management: I pwn
Newb Graduate
Organized first ever NEWB tourney
i beat WERD at a recordsetting 4-1 to graduate
Last edited by GenX000; May 27, 2008 at 02:13 AM.
Name: narutofan
Join:TORIBASH:Join Date: 03-16-2007 JOINED NEWB: 04-14-2008
Reason I joined:I wanted to be part of a community and it was my first clan.
Reason I should be Inducted for Management:I am responsible, and I know how to run management(did it on another game for 8 months)
Other Notes: play almost everyday, You guys rock. Brown belt, almost black belt

I not gonna put colors in for it
Last edited by GenX000; May 27, 2008 at 02:45 AM.
name:supa stveo (supa for short)
joined: 04-08-2008
reason i joined:i wanted to be part of a group
reason i should be inducted for management:you may not take me serious but i can be hard on ass muches :]
other notes: i play alot: i almost know most of the active members :]: i'm always makeing fun of dom (unless i'm sad :[ ) im also a black belt and i pwn
Last edited by GenX000; May 28, 2008 at 01:42 AM.
Ishi4admin Wh-ORMO
Originally Posted by patriotz View Post
join adte: um didn't really write this down shoudl i have?
reason i joined: cause i was a newb back in those days :P and istill kinda am and i wanted a clan tht wouldn't look down on me.
reason i think i shoudl be in magament: i am a admin on a different animation file so i have some experiance. i don't lose my tempre i can keep cool. i know how to handle a lot of situations and if not theres always fello membres to help u
other notes: 2nd dan really good in judo :P unknown taught me :P. supa i kinda said i know all the active members that post here so thats my reason...and i am very active on newb forums i check once a day unless something comes up and i can't

Don't forget that you can't spell worth crap ;P
Authentic Furry
Name: Blimp

Join Date: 04-20-2008

Reason I Joined: There was many resons i joined newb the first is that i wanted to become part of the community. Newb gives you a chance to get you started in the community. I also joined because trained many great toribashers (tivo, D0m, glacierman and more). Newb is also a good incuargement to the beggners of toribash wich i still was. Finnally i joined because newb is a calm enviorment were i learned how to play toribash let alone have fun with te forums and more.

Reason I Should be Inducted to Management: i should be in mangment because i have helped newb in many ways. i am an Grade A student and a great leader. I tried to gain intrest in newb. i also tried to recruit peaple. i have bean an active member of newb for a long time and play alomost everyday. i would like to have the oppertunity to help newb in otherways too. I have much experince in a mangment possion i mange most of my group projects at school. i have lead and manged a "army" in another game and i have great leadership skills.

OTHER NOTES: i am a black belt almost second dan i have defeated many high ranking players (jepoy, hebrewhamr and more) i am a well known member of newb within both newb and tag (i was never in tag but am good friend with tags best). i enjoy helping other peaple and have a good knoladge of toribash.
Last edited by blimp; Jun 7, 2008 at 09:04 PM.
Belt: black belt
Fights Till Next Belt:400
Curent Clan: A PROUD MEMBER OF NEWB - The Offical Clan For Beginners
Name: SP1DEY999

Join Date*: 03-20-2008

Reason I Joined: I really wanted to be in a clan that was relaxed but really fun and good(for lack of a better word) at the same time. I made a good choice. I wanted to be in a clan like the for mentioned because i really wanted to be a part of a group on toribash and be able to call you all my friends.

Reason I Should be Inducted to Management: I am a good leader, i enjoy playing toribash as much as i can, i am an A grade student and i could help this clan become better than ever with my ideas and input.

OTHER NOTES: I'm Brown Belt (nearly Black), I do not have any major acheivements in Toribash apart from the occasional time of beating a real pro(rejoicing follows), I am skilled in the art of Toribashian*SMILE*, Knowledge Hmmm.. I have good know how? lol, oh one last thing... i enjoy helping out everyone especially my fellow clanmates.
Last edited by GenX000; May 28, 2008 at 01:34 AM.

join date:04-16-08

reason i joined:i thought this clan is awsome and it is!and well i wanted to be in a clan and then i found newb now here i am.

Reason I Should be Inducted to Management:well i make great choices,i have straight a's,and i am really on every day.

other notes:Im a black belt(waiting for graduation)i was always striving to be a great tori player,and i always help people who need help.
Last edited by shyeagle97; May 31, 2008 at 10:19 PM.
oh and one last reason why i want to be im manage ment is because i want to train newbies and help em out its kinda you know my thing
Ishi4admin Wh-ORMO