Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
leaveing newb
i feel like a broken record but im leaveing newb i fell as though im not treated badly enoogh
[also the clan is getting kinda boring]and for cowman101 i have this to say

i will eat joo

well bye guys i may join tcap or mabye preadetor
Ishi4admin Wh-ORMO
I'm starting to feel bad for NEWB...

Gosh, I have a distinct feeling this is partially my fault.


Sorry, NEWBians.
sigh anotherone goes down the preverbural toilet. (not that i really know what that means lol) oh well i guess all the high ranks leaving makes space for the true noobs to come up out of the woodwork
sigh this is becoming sickening, why are you leaving? whats so bad about this clan that everyone has to leave. so many of us have put so much effort into this and now its all being thrown away for what exactly? I'm not one to swear too much pubically but if i may be excused for the following: FUCK IT!!