I preferred lego road plates to carpets, because they included what no GTA up to this date has included - destructible enviroment, hehe.
I actually had a carpet like that but I had some of those Lego street things as well. Played with the carpet when I was really young and switched to Lego at some point... Sounds almost like my gaming history, haha.
Yeah, carpets are fucking casual aren't they? Some normalfaggots say lame bullshit like
but fucking risk and danger is the part of the game being hardcore. I can't believe those pussies playing their shitty carpet-crap. I fucking despise them, wish I didn't have to live on the same world with this scum. Lego are the fucking gaming master race, it's actually difficult and not for buttmad casual babbies, who can't even put some pieces together. I'm fucking sure some carpetdrones will now flame me, but I don't give a fuck, they're genetically inferior breed of faggots that should be wiped off the earth's surface.