Original Post
Once again, I got bored
I got bored again, so I edited this image.

Find 14 mistakes.

(I might take more screenshots later, and make it into an other puzzle.)
Attached Images
toriwrong.JPG (55.8 KB, 87 views)
toriwrong.JPG (55.8 KB, 85 views)
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toriwrong.JPG_thumb (18.0 KB, 7 views)
toriwrong.JPG_thumb (18.0 KB, 7 views)
FUN IS GOOD =]]]]]]
Re: Once again, I got bored
1your not in the game
2mouse is in your wrighting
3your points are too high
4in the text he says "oww my foot" when he is the one holding they opponents hand
5hes not blackbelt lol
6hold,relax,scroll are all (x)
7all the stars
9the text saying wating for mouse is also wrong it makes no sence
and are the shadows wrong??

thats all i got lol
Re: Once again, I got bored
1your not in the game

Actualy he is only hes upside down on the name
I strongly advise you NOT to click Here.
Re: Once again, I got bored
i found:

1. there is the waiting for mouse thing
2. i don't believe u could get that many in a row :P
3. the points are badly done
4. its 0p, not 3p!
5. In the bout waiting list, ronin is upside down.
6 & 7? the things at the bottom that tell u what moves what are all x

cba to continue. lol
Re: Once again, I got bored
Originally Posted by demonic rage
1your not in the game
2mouse is in your wrighting
3your points are too high
4in the text he says "oww my foot" when he is the one holding they opponents hand
5hes not blackbelt lol
6hold,relax,scroll are all (x)
7all the stars
9the text saying wating for mouse is also wrong it makes no sence
and are the shadows wrong??

thats all i got lol

The shadows have something wrong. Yes.

I don't know what the heck means waiting for your mouse, but what ever.

I think there's nothing wrong with oh my foot part.

And well. I'm not in the game.... Hmm.. That is true. But I don't really need to be in the game
FUN IS GOOD =]]]]]]
Re: Once again, I got bored
Originally Posted by [PF
Emo-Boy ]
i found:

1. there is the waiting for mouse thing
2. i don't believe u could get that many in a row :P
3. the points are badly done
4. its 0p, not 3p!
5. In the bout waiting list, ronin is upside down.
6 & 7? the things at the bottom that tell u what moves what are all x

cba to continue. lol

Is there something wrong with the 3p!? I sware I did NOT change that. :P
FUN IS GOOD =]]]]]]
Re: Once again, I got bored
I could give u a hint.

Since all of u found 1-10 problems. U might wanna check the "mouse guide" thingy again.

All of them are marked "X", but how MANY of those are wrong?
FUN IS GOOD =]]]]]]
Re: Once again, I got bored
Waiting for your mouse?
Too many points
Black belt is in black and written
Hold/Relax is not X
Camera is not X
If you relly had that many stars it would say 'Too Many'
Reggi instead of Regig
An evil face in the shadows
Mojobrother and BrotherMojo.
Your hand is holding something in the shadow
Otu's name is upside down.
No such thing as 3p, only 0p

2 more...

Edit: Not sure about this but, if it's a Pro server, Reggi/Regig doesn not have a + in the bout list.
<ducky> The game.
<siku> ducky: i didnt know this was 2005 and 4chan
<siku> sorry, i hate the game and you should shut the fuck up about that retarded bullshit
<siku> you should link us to awesome and edgy motivational pics next or maybe pedobear
<siku> inb4 rep needs toriprime or vip lmao rofl that /b/ is grate
<siku> is this the part where you educate me on memes, further showcasing your amazing 4chan findings
<siku> word x is a meme lmao rofl
<+veb> someone make ducky smod