Original Post
Im playing someone online and they quit as always. THen i go to single player. Then i notice something different. Im not facing uke, im facing the other guy that quit on me,like i uploaded uke textures to my wii or something. Can i save the charecter and i could play single player with another person than uke?

Does this only happen to my wii or everybody else's?
do this and tell me what happens(it shouldn't be hard because your really good :P)

1-play a game
2-keep on winning until the guy quits
3-go to single player
4-tell me what happens
Lol thx and I'll see if it happens to me. Even though I have won against the same person in a row because they are the only one playing at the time and when they finally quit I do singleplayer and that doesnt happen to me.
Drakoid FC:0088 9594 3564 - Feared
or maybe it was you quit or something...!!!

Yes. it was if you quit. My little brother was playing on his accountand he quit on you or someone and he went to single player and the customizations popped up,the name off the person he quit on was there to.

Lol I haven't quit on someone in a while and what is your little brothers Tori's name
Last edited by Drakoid; Jul 25, 2011 at 12:10 AM. Reason: None of your business
Drakoid FC:0088 9594 3564 - Feared
Is he manofmatch?
Lol he quits on me every game D:
Tronserf quits on me like Vampiro
Last edited by Drakoid; Jul 25, 2011 at 12:31 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Drakoid FC:0088 9594 3564 - Feared
He quits on me before the match even starts in multiplayer. He's only 7 and it's sucks. But the nests time you and him meet do 1 match and quit on him since hes already gonna quit and sEe what happens in single player
Lol ok
Hopefully he doesn't quit in the first match though.
Last edited by Drakoid; Jul 25, 2011 at 02:31 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Drakoid FC:0088 9594 3564 - Feared