Original Post
I was on photobucket uploading heads then something happened and my screensaver changed and said my computer is infected and I should not go on it then my computer opened up a 2010 anti virus software I never seen before and scanned my computer and Toribash had 2 trojans rated high and my system 32 has high rated trojans too o.o . When I try to delete toribash its not letting me so right now I am on my cousin computer. My laptop turns off automatically now to protect me.

Uqh...... Idk what to put here.
First of all, toribash didnt do that, you obviously got the viruses from somewhere else, and they infected toribash and are using it as a parent file to infect system32, and as a self defence mechanism, it isnt allowing toribash to be deleted because it is infected with the virus.

You should probably re-format.
yeah , this can't come from toribash.

I know a virus , called win32.sality , which infects every .exe in your whole computer ,it's probably one of these shits.
I belive that you downloaded WinZip. It is full of virus, which i almost get, but i managed to get them off. So, Toribash, has none virus. Blame something else.
agreed, toribash has no virus whatsoever, its just another virus that has infected toribash.

probobly came from porn,music,or other downloads (games etc)
WhY L1V3 L1F3 SrSlY. N0 0N3 M4K3S 1T 0UT 4L1V3 4NYW4Y. >.<
Or the file was corrupted when downloading, the possibilities are pretty much endless. I suggest you get a proper antivirus program and keep it up to date.
Clan Blood Leader
opened up a 2010 anti virus software I never seen

sounds like scareware to me.
try running your computer in safemode and start a real virusscanner.
:■ :♥ :ß :¹ :↓ :► :· :°
Sound like scareware to me aswell, it wants you to buy a virus scanner for $10-20 etc, to kill the "virus", but the only virus is the scanner itself, just go on safemode and do a complete virus scan.
I can ride my bike with no handlebars.