Original Post
Massive item sink
Starting this thread not as a solution but as a question.
How could u sink items at a massive rate?
Bennefits of this somehow beeing implemented:
Less items out there (we now have the rezult of 10 years of items pilling up)
More people using the shop, sinking tc

,First thing that comes to my mind is an item lottery.
How this works? Well, u send the items to some official acc and u can win a no qi elite tier item every 2 weeks ( maybe even 3 to make it intresting), or u can win 50k tc or something. Only items above 100 qi are eligeble to send.
I think this would clear a lot of the miscs out there.
There are other ways in doing it. Higher prizes, more often lotterys...etc this way u cange the low qi items with high qi items and regular people use the shop. Idk if it will work on the long term but it might be worth a try.

2. Official toribot becomes a market bot also. A very slow bot with a refresh rate of items at 1 week. Checking the market for new items 1 every day. Has a less competitive item database.
This would also result in the bot having tons of tc and items in 1 year. Then sink it all, adjust the autobuy prices and start again. In time it could work. The wole point is to find a good combination between leaving a chunk for regular people but still be efficient.

3. I leave this to you guys. Out of ideas for now
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I'd recommend a cool down timer to items bought from the shop as well so we don't get people spam-buying cheap 100 qi items for free, more expensive items, and certainly this would work out decently well. Say a one week timer on all items purchased? I think a one week wait is more than fair.
I think I might be retired.
This diden't get much attention...probably a bad idea. I'll just close it
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