Original Post
Public announcement of Departure/Video
So as most of you guys know im leaving toribash \o/

Life has taken over and i cant moderate myself when gaming, toribash in particular.
Plus some other problems, but its all good.

In any case here's a video to keep you lot entertained in my absence.

I'd also like to add that you guys in Jolly are the best out there. seriously, you've helped me so much and i love you all (no homo)
(^also a load of other clanned people, but the list is far too long)

So yeah, later guys, no doubt i'll be back at some point, once everything has calmed down irl
But until then
bye <3

EDIT: feel free to add me on steam (dan_face), msn ([email protected]) if you still want to chat :]
EDIT2: welcome back squiz <3
EDIT3: i've distributed my tc and unsused items between various banks and clans that i have grown close to, spend what little it is wisely
Last edited by Erth; Sep 30, 2011 at 01:15 AM.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
You'll be back, they always come back. Remember I'm psychic? Of course you do it happened like 10 minutes ago. Anyways tl;drow. You're my facebukkake friend so I won't miss you.
fuck this shit.
Well , thank you for all the tk games and the tk lessons .
had some fun there , well thank you for that.
Have fun in rea lifw , wis you luck with your girlfriend.

bye erth , bye.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
Wish you all the luck in real life, hope your decision will eventually work
out like mine did

PS: nice video, also nicely editted in sync with audio.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Maaaaaaaaate ... Good luck with life! Get outta the video game realm and live yo' life!

I'm the chicken.
M 'n' M factory!
Avatar shop
Not on this game anymore.
We already talked,so there isn't much to add..again thank you,this will be forever your place(in tb) if you'll want to
Again good luck with everything,see you on steam;)

and great video!
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
Wait true heroes deserve a picture.

<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
truely a awesome video erth, this is the first 5/5 video i've given, i liked this more than rutzor's dance vids and the vides fomr nuthug. see you later and awesome song choice.
I N C R E D I B L E H !