Originally Posted by
Even if it's too hard to give something cool like tc maybe big avatar or anything you want we can make it so 1 post - 1 qi.
What about the quality of posts, it's not too hard to check by staff member (moderator) he/she moderates
All of us can come up with excuses but in fact of the active is not so well
Man i've never seen something more weird since i joined this community and forum. The QI how someone already said, never was and will never be a forum thing to gain. It's exclusive to the in-game part and tbh it literally means nothing, these days a lot of people buy QI or don't even bother buying it coz non-QI items are a thing.
On the main topic, why should we even receive more free stuff since they already give you small prizes for logging into the game and doing some tasks. The forum is a place to interact with the community. Someone already pointed out that there are successful games out there with dead forums and that is not a problem.
So no, pls no more free stuff, the market is already fucked up to a point of no coming back.
Last edited by azzeffir23; Sep 12, 2019 at 06:03 PM.