Original Post
Territorial Wars (Clans)
We could have a map which can be conquered by clans

Why would anyone want to own territory?

(1) because it would show up under your name when you're playing in-game
(2) it would show up under your profile picture in the forums
(3) each territory allows your clan to invite 5 extra members ( When you lose the territory, your members will stay but your clan will be capped. if a clan has a base invite limit of 20, and owns 1 territory so they have 25 members, after they lose the territory their members show up as 25/20 and cannot invite anyone else till they gain territory back or kick out 5 members.)
(4) a way to show off status and strength of your clan

(5) etc...

how will it work?

The territories would have 2 states (1)Neutral or (2) Conquered by CLAN
If for example NORTH is (1)Neutral
then any 2 random clans can setup a wager war where both sides add NORTH as their prize. afterwards the winner gets to conquer the territory. and NORTH will then be in state (2) Conquered by CLAN

if NORTH is (2) Conquered by CLAN and another clan wants to take over, they have to wager war and add TC/Items as their prize and the old clan adds the NORTH as their prize.

if a clan holds onto a territory for longer than ( 15 days give or take) without warring anyone for it, then they lose the territory to (1)Neutral.
Last edited by Mafi; Oct 18, 2019 at 09:37 PM.
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
That concept is actually a good idea imo which could be implemented with a bit of work.I would scrap the idea with the clanmember bonus/clan member cap tho because it has the potential to be annoying if u Want to invite new members but can not because u don't hold enough territory and cba to war in this event/system.
interesting thought, I think I have a good idea from this

thank you for your input
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
You could make designated servers which have the name of the zone who ever conquers it gets owner ship to these servers and then they can war for it. Just my input