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Some Fighting Styles
Hello it is me Kinjin the dummy I want you to show me fighting styles. Just follow this kind of format:

Fighting Style:
Why you chose it:
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Fighting style:Advanced Limpstyle.Flips and such
Why: well forced/hold. Moves are limited. You can also add great dodging and such.
all systems go, sun hasn't died. Deep in my soul, straight from inside. if it's destined. It doesn't automatically happen, do it.
Fighting Style: hold all contract pecs
Why you chose it: effective and makes your opponent call you names
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Your pal,
Fighting Style: "The Wall" (my own creation) Just hold all and wait it out, then make a sudden movement and insta kill them.
Why you chose it: Because I'm a sneaky kinda guy.
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
Whenever facing a less honorable enemy, I do something noob like a shovel start and then do some of my crazy shit and watch them explode.
1. Set up suplex halfway
2. Flip enemy to the side
3. Enemy tries to land on contracted wrist
4. I extend pec, lower shoulder, and extend wrist vs his contracted wrist
5. Usually ends in a elbow DQ for him because of my extended wrist or a shoulder DQ for him because I lowered my arm.

It works most of the time.

I turned off the light at the end of the tunnel.
Fighting Style: Watch Move Style (WMS)
Why you chose it: You watch opponents moves then when you see them doing it all the time you do a reversal
Rate this from 1-10: 11/10