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pros In replay
Hey guys u see these pros like cube owning Uke into pieces.u think there pros among pros but cmon guys. It's UKE. he just stands there! Id say a blue belt could do those replays of he tried! Now, whats your opinion on this?
all systems go, sun hasn't died. Deep in my soul, straight from inside. if it's destined. It doesn't automatically happen, do it.
Sadly, all these puny foolish replay makers spend a little bit of time working on their problems as they have so much, but if you give me a game wiht me vs them in mp ill pwn them all
Sold my dog to join RRO
Seeing as belts are measures of Multiplayer experience and have nothing to do with Singleplayer replays, I can not see why you would even mention that.

In any case, replay-making still requires a working knowledge of the game that can pretty much only come with practice. You could probably do well if you passed a physics course, too.

+10 points for making a decent Off-Topic thread, though.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
Winning against uke is easy of course, but that's not enough to make a proper replay. A proper replay has smooth and stylish movement, a proper flow and a speciality. The speciality can be mass destruction, simpleness, tricks, skeets or something unique. Making a replay is easy, but making a proper replay takes a lot of practise and time.

One other thing I have to say is belt has nothing to do with sp. Shook, Hours and Meamme0 are all blue belters, but they all are pretty skilled in sp.
Originally Posted by chamara View Post
Making a replay is easy, but making a proper replay takes a lot of practise and time.

Pff replay making takes like 5 minutes are you kidding me. it's like so easy. just look at my belt. it's for noobs man, mp is all that matters. all skill man. judo.

Originally Posted by notnoob View Post
Sadly, all these puny foolish replay makers spend a little bit of time working on their problems as they have so much, but if you give me a game wiht me vs them in mp ill pwn them all

I can take you.
I came here to laugh at you
Originally Posted by TheEpic11 View Post
Id say a blue belt could do those replays of he tried! Now, whats your opinion on this?

hello there

my name is Shook

i am a blue belt and also the leader of ORMO

i find this to be an amusing coincidence

Please give a better comparison than "blue belt", because belt means about as much as a fermented pile of shit in your drawer when it comes to replay making. I was a white belt for a LONG time, because i didn't and still don't care much for multiplayer. I have also seen cases of people with belts much higher than me being terrible at replays (and people with lower belt than me being epic), because they're used to making quick and effective moves rather than the long, elaborate and preferrably stylish moves that are commonplace in the replay making scene. Besides that, qi is games played, not games won.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by TheEpic11 View Post
Hey guys u see these pros like cube owning Uke into pieces.u think there pros among pros but cmon guys. It's UKE. he just stands there! Id say a blue belt could do those replays if he tried! Now, whats your opinion on this?

Then try right now. You make it sound like it should be easy, so why don't you go and do it?

Implying it's harder to beat a player, rather than make something aesthetically pleasing to multiple people. Which it isn't. People are idiots, and it only takes a little bit of practice to learn how to let the person beat themselves. Weak joints that you can focus, joints that can no longer be moves when grabbed at expense of breaking, adapting to a readable move. Multiplayer can be broken down into a slightly more complicated game of rock, paper, scissors.

Single player requires both an understanding of the game, and an understanding of your audience. Anybody can break every joint in uke's body if given a chance, not many can break every joint in under 100 frames. Anybody can cause 5 dismemberments. Not everybody can cause 5 dismemberments in one hit with one body part. Everybody can travel 250 distance to hit uke. Not everybody can travel 3000 distance to hit uke, and even fewer can do that while still looking stylish, and even fewer can do that with any semblance to realism. Everything in this game is possible, but it's the fact that only a few can do it faster, smoother, and better that makes them look like gods among men. And not everybody gets there in the same time. It took me a couple years before I made my first good looking single player replay, and it took me almost a year after that before I had any semblance of recognition. In that time, I've seen people literally arrive on the scene and shake it up in it's entirety. I've also seen people who never went any further than the most basic single player replays. Much more of the latter rather than the former.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Shook View Post
hello there

my name is Shook

i am a blue belt and also the leader of ORMO

i find this to be an amusing coincidence

Please give a better comparison than "blue belt", because belt means about as much as a fermented pile of shit in your drawer when it comes to replay making. I was a white belt for a LONG time, because i didn't and still don't care much for multiplayer. I have also seen cases of people with belts much higher than me being terrible at replays (and people with lower belt than me being epic), because they're used to making quick and effective moves rather than the long, elaborate and preferrably stylish moves that are commonplace in the replay making scene. Besides that, qi is games played, not games won.

Dude my point is replay makers aren't so pro. . And with belt comes experience in which you learn alot of things.
Guys my point is replay makers aren't so pro and sht. Uke just stands there. if u can do that stuff online your pro. And I want YOUR opinion on this. Not getting stuck on me with the blue belt thing.
Last edited by TheEpic11; Aug 20, 2013 at 01:26 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
all systems go, sun hasn't died. Deep in my soul, straight from inside. if it's destined. It doesn't automatically happen, do it.
Originally Posted by TheEpic11 View Post
belt comes experience in which you learn alot of things.

in a land filled with alts you can't judge someone by their belt. Also I've seen higher belt people fucking suck. so yeah.

Also replaymaking is a different aim than mp is. And people have already given you you're answer.
Last edited by Antleronio; Aug 20, 2013 at 01:31 AM.
I came here to laugh at you
Ofcourse they SUCK. But they learn atleast a little. And I'm not talking about alts.
all systems go, sun hasn't died. Deep in my soul, straight from inside. if it's destined. It doesn't automatically happen, do it.