I know that i had alot of tc and have bought 3 flames.
He wants to be able to make the flames that people are selling for higher than the flame forger price.
Maybe like different templates for different types of flames such as wings, hats, trails, rain, etc.
That is the sort of thing i meant
basicly when i wanted to make my flame it was very herd when i was trying to get the right shapes and things have wings, hat etc... would be alot better other wise were spending alot more money on the game than we need to i dont want it cheaper that would be silly then anyone could get one and flames are for the welthy to say the least.
EDIT:In a nutshell anding hair, hats, capes, wings and things to the game would be VERY cool plus hampa and the other gm's would make alot of cash outa it
other wise were spending alot more money on the game
that was contradicting myself a bit, but what i mean is instead of me paying the odds for a flame like 20k plus on the forum if it was simpler i could get a flame and pay less but the forge could still stay the same price
AND: There should be a box at the side where it tell you how much your flame cost so far while your making it insted of having to go back and forth on the forums looking at the prices
Last edited by MangoChutney; Aug 26, 2012 at 04:46 AM.