Original Post
Operators ranks
there should be ranks when doing op to somebody like:
/op scorpionma 2
in options you can change the names and what they do like:
add new
when adding you add the name like 2 and what they do:
nudgeup or down
that would make an owner an owner
especially in gm or players tourneys
another small suggsution:
maybe adding a menu for commands when pressing f1 or f2 it can be easily scripted but well why not adding it
and by commands i mean op deop whisper somethings like that
typing is taking long time
INB4 14 days ban
I think I understand what you're saying with the op thing, getting to choose what an op is privileged to do ( kind of like trail gms only being able to use some functions). I like that idea as it can prevent server owners from losing their own rooms ( due to changing of owner pass or being de opd or kicked/banned etc...). Nice idea imo I support it, maybe some better explaination could be added though.
Yea, i remember some chaotic tourneys and rooms with op deop pass change and etc.
This could help keep rooms stable