Original Post
Bad Idea
Combined Colors

So, I sometimes accidentally activate two forces at a time then get confused on why the one I want wont show. That has nothing to do with this suggestion.

I was thinking that if two forces are activated at the same time, the game will mix both of those colors together to create a new color. That color created will depend on the color and shades of the two colors activated. This could also be triggered from three colors or more. Maybe no more than 4.

So, I really need a purple but all I have is Vampire Force and Aqua Force but I don't have TC. I could just activate these forces at the same time and get a purple. The purple may be different from the current colors.

I am not suggesting Vampire & Aqua = Demolition and try to look rich. I am just suggesting this idea because it saves TC and you can improvise the color you want while you save up for the force/relax you really want. I am not suggesting this to be available for every color item. I was just thinking it would be nice for Force's and Relaxes. This could lead to new texture ideas and combinations.

I doubt this will be added because it is kind of like a cheat or a gateway to force colors you will never have the TC for. Which is why this was suggested.

Thank you for reading.

In ishi We Trust
Last edited by Lazors; Feb 23, 2014 at 11:58 AM.
Notice how you said "buying three SHIT colors."

If you are going to buy three shit colors, how are you going to get an expensive color.
Orc + Gladiator + Gaia = ugly color.

Orc + Chronos = Helios (150 + 75 = 1200)

Marine + Chronos = Warrior (1,350 + 75 = 90,000 / $33)

These are just two examples I found quickly. This suggestion pretty pointless and has a lot of flaws
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post

If you are going to buy three shit colors, how are you going to get an expensive color.
Orc + Gladiator + Gaia = ugly color.

This is the point, if this is added into the game it will just ruin the point in expensive stuff, such as Demon, Void and Demolition.

~Obviously not supported.-
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
NO just no
if this was implemented
it will cause a market lose
because people will buy cheap colors to make expensive ones
marine +green=vortex\(just an ex)
and all primary colors are cheap(orc,marine and cobra)
INB4 14 days ban
I would love to get these colors. I am a man of opportunities and I want this to happen.

Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post

Orc + Chronos = Helios (150 + 75 = 1200)

Marine + Chronos = Warrior (1,350 + 75 = 90,000 / $33)

Slycooper has already said all that's need to be said. This would crash the
market on the more expensive items as the cheaper items could be used
to make more expensive ones.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post

Orc + Chronos = Helios (150 + 75 = 1200)

Marine + Chronos = Warrior (1,350 + 75 = 90,000 / $33)

These are just two examples I found quickly. This suggestion pretty pointless and has a lot of flaws

This is all that really needed to be posted to show why this idea isn't a good one. If rarer items had MUCH cheaper alternatives there would be little incentive to:

1) Get the QI to be able to purchase the rarer colors
2) Put any money into Toribash to buy rare items, TC, QI, etc.
3) Market and hold onto valuable joint colors.

As others have stated, you can simply buy joint textures if you're looking to "paint meld" some of your favorite colors together into a "new color". Or, if you have a suggestion for a specific color, you could probably bring that up.

Finally: please never make an OP like that again. It's a huge eye sore.
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