the opener is good but there was some strange twitches into it,the first manipulation hit is nice,the dick lift is really cool and the decap too.
the way that u continue the manipulation with uke relaxed in -30 gravity is awesome the grab is fine and the dm part is fast and clean gj on that final part of the replay. 9/10
Robotical Action
the opener is good, the 2 ground hits on the grab from ur left hand is a bit ugly but the knee spin is really cool.
the elbow kick is ok,the second kick I guess could done a boom somehow,the bitchslap on the head is nice and I liked the pose quite a lot #badasspose. 9/10
the opener is meh,the first manipulation hit is really nice and the second too u ghosted uke and I'm not sure if I liekd that the 3rd one is fine.
the arm spin is the best part of the replay for me.
I didn't liked that uke touched ur head with his butt .-.
not sure what cause the split cuz of the glitch replay but I guess the knee(frame 155) but it was quite nice but the decap was better.
the pose could done better. 8.5/10
nice replays Alpha for me the best was the first one. if u have time come to CnC my new replay I will really appreciating it
maybe this CnC is a bit short pfft -_-