Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
SUPER DECAP and dismberment
demo settings
firstperson:Contract pecs (stickey hands)
secondperson:raise arms
space x3
first person (raise both arms)
and decap+arm decap :
Its an lol.
Here's a few tips for you:

Moves that require Uke to move are generally shunned.

Decap is short for decapitation, which is when the head is removed. When talking about other extremities of the body (arms, and legs) you say dismemberment, or removal.

Tell us what settings the match needs to be in. Demo settings is the default, and everyone can do it. Anything other than demo settings requires purchasing the game. You didn't list anything about settings, which is ok, but at least tell us the settings are demo.
Re: SUPER DECAP and dismberment
THAT is one good move,You should of seen tori's head fly! triggerhappy
"We are the chipmunks, C-H-I-P-M-U-N-K"
Re: SUPER DECAP and dismberment
Now i fixed ur move up a little there is no head decap in it :P

Sticky hands
Contract Pecs

Raise shoulders

Space 2x
Contract Elbows
Lower Shoulders
Space 2x
Extend Pecs
Raise Shoulders
Space 3x
Extend Elbows
Space 1x
Undo Sticky Hands!!1

Then ukes are piece's should fly and then do what ever u want after that