Noli timere mortem
Alright, what are your rules?
Use common sense when playing.
Listen to GM's. We reserve the right to do whatever we see fit, as you should know.
Do not complain about the decisions made by the GM's.
I and the other GM's have all right to remove you if it is needed.
What kind of era is this set in, pray tell?
This is a modern combat setting, so you can expect guns, explosives, rockets, planes, boats, etc. Think Modern Warfare in terms of era. There is one current race, being humans.
Who's in charge?
Primary GM: Nameless
Secondary GM: Enzu
Other GM's: not sure yet.
The players?
None, currently.
Them factions?
Currently, we have two different factions. The Anterian and the Mallorean. Their two countries have been peaceful neighbors for 100's of years, but recently, a change in power in Mallorea has signaled an end to this peace. The new Mallorean emperor has his sights set on conquering Anteria and then the surrounding area. He has begun to mobilize his troops, and is amassing his armies for an attack. Anteria, also, is making preperations for the inevitable.
The Malloreans are firm people, with a deep work ethic. They are deadly fighters, because of their strong dedication, although their country is not as far advanced in weaponry as the Anterians are. They are generally light skinned, depending on the area of the country they live in. They have hardset faces, reflecting their attitude towards duty.
The Anterians, on the other hand, are a less strict people, focused on the arts, science, and technology innovation. They are more advanced when it comes to weapons and but less skilled in their use. They are also light skinned, and have generally softer looking faces.
Got a map?
Yes indeed, and it be pro and I be pro at artsing.
So, how to join?
Come to #Magnus, and I'll give you the character sheet. You'll create it, and then we'll discuss it. When I find it suitable, it'll be added, and you'll be able to start playing.
Now, to begin, I'm going to wait for around 8 people to join before starting up.