Original Post
im screwed over with homework....
on monday i woke up at 3:00 and felt like shit, couldnt get back asleep, ect. by 7:30 during first period i had to run out to the nurses office and throw up everywhere. the rest of the day i had a fever of over 100 and was throwing up every hour or so.
by tuesday i started feeling a little better, went outside for a while and got a headache, went back inside, and fell asleep. by wednesday at 12:47 am i threw up again and fell asleep in the tub (i think). now its 9:something on wednesday and i cant stand up without feeling sick, and i have to do ALL the work in school for monday-today right now. is this fair? this includes a page long essay and reading half a book.
That's life for you. If your teacher aint dickish about it, you could ask for a little more time. I always found a way of getting around that. ;P
I don't really know what we can discuss about this, it happens sometimes all I can is unlucky hope you get better soon.
the best part is we are reading a book about dealing with anger (touching spirt bear(:3))
Last edited by SC501; May 20, 2009 at 03:26 PM. Reason: fixed something
Well at least that will help a bit =P
As 2bash said speak to you're teacher, they should be obligated to give you support or at least a little more time. After all it is there job.
Well there is nothing you can do about it. Well you could just say "fuck it" but thats not a good idea. Well maybe it is.
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A page long essay isn't hard and I can't really comment on the book part because we don't know how long it is. But reading isn't hard. If you have time to bitch on here about it, you have time to do it.

PS: swine flu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111!11!!!
Oh noes! We might get infected over the internet! Quick quarantine the servers, ban him nao!!!

Anyway, I agree with Blam here, a page long essay isn't really that hard. I can make a page long essay in 30 minutes or so if I have a good grasp of the subject.
[sarcasim] The fact that both of you can is very impressive [/sarcasim]

But not everybody finds things like this so easy, so give poeple a break.