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Toribash Action Figure Process - 2bknown's Personal Project
I will need this thread to update my process...

Today is the day of creating the product in my Personal Project!

Survey: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=61439


Q1: The action figure will be made!
Q2: Tori has taken the lead to turn into a very first live action figure of all Toribash history (ready to conquer the world mwhahaha)!
Q3: Quite a frenzy! Yet there were many unreasonable choices of an adult human-sized action figure, what were you guys thinking? I couldn’t make such a huge thing! Fortunately the winner size is: One 16ths size: 17.1875cm high, 17.1875cm long (when arms stretch), 4.6875cm (to the max) wide!
Q4: The action figure will be able to dismember! I will try hard to figure out an easy yet firm way to let that happen.
Q5: Another close tie! Is it smooth or frictional joints? Frictional joints win!
Q6: The action figure will end up in a package! But I will later take the figure out of it to show justifications of frictional joints and dismembering. I will take pictures of it inside the package before I take it out though. I will try to figure how the package will not be damaged when I open it.
Q7: The winner title for the package: Toribash: Tori Is Here! (ready to conquer the world mwhahaha)
Q8: A very close tie to our winner price! USD 10-14 is going to be the price of the action figure!

Thanks to all that commented!

“Will you be updating your progress periodically? Pics, etc.” – Ern
Fortunately, yes! I will use this thread to update the progress of the creation of the action figure I'm making.
“If you’re making one, I want some pics!” – Waryax
Yes, yes, of course.


• First sketch the figure (Done)
• Bend separate aluminum wires to form the “backbone” of the figure; take a picture
• Add clay to one part to give the basic weight and shape; may be baked slightly to harden it
• Use tools to carve the clay and shape details
• Use blunt tools to shape the part with as much detail as is desired
• Parts of the clay may be covered with aluminum foil to keep it from prematurely drying out if not completed
• Take a photo as a reference to ensure that the part is as realistic as possible
• Repeat from the second step of the prototype for other parts
• Once everything is completed, bake the entire figure to harden the clay and take a picture
• This process may be repeated several times if revisions must be made to the figure
• The sculpted prototype is sent for approval to the manufacturer

• Make the mold from the finished prototype; greater articulation needs a series of parts; take a photo; molding processes include rotational molding and injection molding, but rotational molding takes too long and yet small figures would lack detail
• Assemble all molded plastic components; some pieces may be bonded together by an ultrasonic sealing method; take a picture
• Finishing details with the action figure molded entirely from plastic; take a photo
• Design a package; a box with a clear plastic window or a cardboard backing covered with a plastic blister shall; take a picture/snapshot
• Insert figure in the package and glue or tape package; take a photo
• All done; test the action figure with pictures/snapshots.

Process Journal Sample:

Day: 1
Date: 23/01/45
Confirmed Task: I will need to cut out the wooden base for the clock
Resources needed: Wood, coping saw, vise, files, sanding paper, camera
Resources used: Wood, jig saw, sanding machine, camera
What I actually did: I didn't know doing such work would be so hard; I was interrupted by my teacher; he said instead of using the coping saw, the jig saw would be much easier to work on; I noticed it WAS easier to use the jigsaw instead of a coping saw and other things, and I also noticed it was much faster using the sanding machine to polish all details of my base.
Modifications: I noticed that using machinery tools was much faster than using hand tools.
Plans for next day: I decide to form plastic into the shape of a base with a vacuum former now that I've finished with the base for next class
Pictures/snapshots: (You can imagine it)

My Process Journal:

Day: 0
Date: 13/12/08
Confirmed Task: I will need to list down some concerns for making this product
Resources needed: Laptop
Resources used: Laptop
What I actually did:
• Creating this in school seems unrealistic; I only have three weeks and the school probably doesn't have enough tools and resources even if the Technology teachers wish to help me.
• My father has a friend that works in an Action Figure making factory (you psyched me, TeapoT) and his friend would like to help create my action figure... for a price.
• I need to give out all the details of my design to my father to his friend, otherwise the action figure won't look good at all from the process (I've done that for now)
• Prototype - I believe there will be no prototype I would have make for these professionals; I don't even think I could make one in a day!
• It has been confirmed - I'm sorry, the action figure won't be able to dismember, it's just too complicated for these "professionals".
• Package problem - I got the title and the price; they will be printed out, but I don't know how the package will look like - they say its the most minor thing to think about right now.
• Screw that I decide to look for one... I found a quite old 300mm by 270mm Ziplock; it could be useful but it is filled with old pens and highlighters, should I empty it and use that as a package for my product?
• I found an empty old 145mm by 220mm Ziplock bag, maybe I could use that?
• I think the school has A5 to A4 sized large zip bags, some colored, in the school shop (school purposes); I believe there are transparent ones, I fear that the aesthetics is not good with the woven lines in between, but should I buy one?
• Which one would you choose?
• I'm not sure if I could visit the action figure making factory to take pictures and upload them; I hope I can, if not I'm sorry but it's not my fault I'm not allowed to take pictures of the process
• I think I need a quick permission, that is, if I'm allowed to create this product with no feeling of plagiarism in my mind; if I am not permitted I will need to ask if there is any copyright, trademark, or registration I need to place for creating my product.
• No other concerns, apologies that it could not dismember (but in single player does Tori ever dismember? I believe it does purposefully, but in multiplayer? Tori does not exist in multiplayer).
Modifications: None; I've done my job.
Plans for next day: I decide to give out the rest of my detailed design to my father to his friend.
Pictures/snapshots: You're seeing the concerns right now.

I will be updating the process, hopefully, at minimum, daily, and if not, at maximum, weekly.

Phew! What a length, discuss if you may.

Edit: I would like to put in a quote which to me would be a fantastic reason for why I am doing this for my project: “This would be a new type of entertainment, where people who have these, could learn more about how their own body moves while they have fun, and this time, not in a computer screen, yet, in the palm of their hand!” – UncleLeo1
Last edited by 2bknown; Dec 13, 2008 at 11:29 AM. Reason: Add in a famous quote
I have a sudden urge to sticky this. I might, once you start updating us with pics. Otherwise, awesome idea for a project, hope you go through with it!
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
I would pay for a personalized toribash action figure lol
like with my textures, items, etc.

but nice job on this project, looking forward to updates
Hah, that's awesome.
I'll definitely look into buying one from you once you get it done!
Didn't wanna bump the thread so just thought I'd post the servey answers here for fun.

1. Do you look forward for a real Toribash action figure? (Choose an option)
a) Yes

2. Which player would you choose for the texture of the action figure? (Choose an option)
a) Tori
b) Uke

3. What size would you like the action figure to be? (Choose an option)
g) One 32ndths size: 8.59375cm high, 8.59375cm long (when arms stretch), 2.34375cm (to the max) wide
h) One 64ths size: 4.296875cm high, 4.296875cm long (when arms stretch), 1.171875cm (to the max) wide
Small for stopmotion.

4. Would you like the action figure to be able to dismember? (Choose an option)
a) Yes

5. Would you like the action figure to have smooth joints to act like a rag doll or frictional joints to hold positions or no joints at all like a model? (Choose an option)
b) Frictional joints

6. Would you want the action figure in a package? (Choose an option)
Don't mind.

7. If you do want the action figure in a package, what title would be best for it? (Choose an option)
a) Toribash: (Player’s name)

8. What would the overall price of your decisions for the action figure be (in USD)? (Type what you think) (Please specify)
$10 for small, $13-15 for large.

9. Any comments or concerns? (Type what you think)
Great idea, loved to see it happen.
Last edited by Kannibul; Dec 14, 2008 at 03:53 AM.
| Knbl.on.TB |
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