Original Post
The Toribash Machinima Team
The Toribash Machinima Team
A team of Toribash players, who work together, into creating the Toribash Machinima.

ATTENTION: We are now no longer taking members, unless invited.

First: What is Machinima?
Machinima (Ma-Shi-Ni-Ma) a portmanteau of Machine Cinema, is a collection of associated production techniques whereby computer-generated imagery (CGI) is rendered using real-time, interactive 3-D engines instead of professional 3D animation software. <--Thank you Wikipeida

Seconed: I still don't get it.
Well, there are many examples of Machinima series scatterd around the web. the most popular one, isRooster Teeth's Red Vs. Blue, which you can see on, made by using Microsoft's Halo 1,2, and 3's engine, and it was, and still is the most popular web series.

And that is what I want to make, a Toribash Machinima Series.

Third: That sounds nice! Can I join?
Sorry dude, we're full

Forth: What am I getting out of this?
Err, the pride and honor of creating the Toribash Machinima??
Okay, I'm not gonna lie to you, I'm not paying you, and I don't think anyone would pay us to do this, but think about it, we are gonna make the Toribash Machinima! Isn't that good enough?!

Fifth: Alright, I'm in, but how will we plan the episodes, with no one knowing it?
At the Toribash Machinima Team Forum, link :
It isn't much, but we don't need much, the username and password has been PMed to you.
Also, all of the TMT could help the others, so we can all help the Story Writer, by telling him good jokes to use, and good plot twists, and we could help the Mod/Scrip Maker, but the Story/Mod will be Written/Programmed by the Story/Mod maker.

Sixth: But I want money!
Okay, I thought about this, we could have a sponsor page, where they will pay us each week, and only the sponsors can view an extended version of each episode on our website, that is why we need an expert website maker.

Here is the member list:-

Episode Making Division
Video Editors:

Mod/Script Maker:

Image Manipulation:

Sound Effects:

Story Writer:

Website Designer:

Replay Makers:

3DS MAX/Cinema 4D/Blender
Voice Actors



1- Always respect those who deserve respect
2- Never start anything, without councilling the Leader, or a Co-Leader
3- Keep TMT's name loved, if I get any complains of a harassment, from any of the members, you will get your first Warning
4- If you get 3 Warnings in one month, then you are Kicked
5- Each month, all members Warnings are erased
6- Any fights. between two members of TMT, will result to a Warning for both members, I don't care who started it, you should have ignored him/her, and PM about it.
7- I will not take any actions on someone, unless you have a proof, say a Screenshot, or a video, or a witness, who is known for his honesty
8- Always use proper grammar, because "Hwz bout we kilz teh guy n then z0mg he cms bk 2life" is too hard to read, typos are accepted, if you type the word right next sentence, with * at the end, so it would be like this:
" Maybe we shoul do that"
8- Make sure to have as much fun as you can ^^
Last edited by EchoMarine; Nov 14, 2008 at 01:08 PM.
Sir: If I may apply, I have experience in 3D software. And I have started on a tb- content movie project but have a lack of people to make replays for it.

Hope you can deliver on this project.. cause amongst most of the other TB projects here, this one is the most involving in all aspects (content creation, production, post etc) Love to be a part of it.

Payments not necessary... I do things like this for the love of the thing
DarkCrypto: Very nice, you are in, and I was wondering, if you can create other stuff, like a house, but with the windows transparent, so I can use chroma key, to use it in the Episodes
i can make whatever :3 aslong as its not too complicated etc
<smegg> I want you to be gay for me
<smegg> Please
Hey hey ECHO!!! I'm in at video editor and sound effects, I have on my computer amazing LIBRARY of any sounds effects: Hits, Blams or whatever you want. You know my movies. Payment I don't wanna earn money for fun!!!
Oh one thing. I know some of POV-ray language, so it could be helpful
Hmmm, I've seen you video Wild, and you are good and editing, but about the sound effects, do you have an audio making program? no need for songs, just an instumental for intro and ending