Original Post


One day I was playing in toribash when I met one guy and he suggested me create a clan.I liked this idea and I started to embody this idea.when I created the clan I started to search new members with a good skill, but many said:"NO".Later new members went to us by their desire.At the begining was so quietly, but we are so active and peurposful.And every day we become stronger and better.

1. Name
2. Nick in game
3. Age
4. Your belt
5. What you can do excluding playing toribash
6. How often you're online
7. skype
8. Why [GoD]?

win 4 cw [x]
win 5 cw [ ]
win 10 cw [ ]
get 75k in clan bank [х]
get 100k in clan bank [ ]
get 5 people in clan [x]
get 15 people in clan [x]
get 20 people in clan [ ]
became official[ ]




1.Be friendly to anyone
2.Not spamming
3.Be nice to other

Last edited by 1ToXiK1; Apr 29, 2011 at 03:33 PM.