Original Post
A replay I'm proud of...
I've been obsessed with getting a perfect madman, and I think i got really close, definetly want this in the clan vid, or parts of it hehe. =P *needs shaders so bad* lol. I wanna make another madman only I plan on walking up to Uke bahaha.
Attached Files
madmanperfected.rpl (146.0 KB, 29 views)
(Hive people only, haha!)
Very nice, i made a very quick madman the other day. I have it somewhere. 9/10 LadyD. Very nice.
collect snots from the nose
^_^ I had this epic replay I did last night but I didn't save it. =( I walked/breakdanced backwards on the running.tbm mod, with the distance at -1000 and decap'd uke. Took about an hour to get it right through editing and then I hit space... I was so mad I just went to bed lol I was likefuck it.
(Hive people only, haha!)