Hello TLL, this be my app.

I am duck, or Samuel IRL. I am a 15 year old slav from Slovakia. My GMT is +1
I have decided to apply to TLL. I've talked to a couple of people here, be it now or a while ago, and I guess I feel like this is a good place to be.

So, a bit about my toribash persona.
I joined on my first account, Gargon5 around 2011 or something. Saw the game on youtube, downloaded it just so I could play that doublekatana.tbm mod. Took me like 2 years to find it, no joke.
I played mp a lot at the start, managed to get up to a decent belt before I realized MP was worthless and transfered to SP.
Started making replays, was shit at first, now I am sorta close to getting into ormo (I guess). Love doing replays, much better than waiting 4 hours in a betting server queue imo.
With the transfer to SP my discovery of the forums also happened. Realized that there was more to the community than 3 duelers talking bout the good old days of 2009.

This is how I got to know clans aswell. I guess you want to know about that too. Well, here it goes.

My clan history is a bit of a rocky one. I was ok at the start, but somewhere in the middle things fucked up and I became a clan hopper for a bit, a phase I still regret.
I'll mention the major clans I have been in, listing them all would make for an unneceseraly long app.


oh, I guess I could include infraction history. To my memory I haven't been banned for any wrong doing yet, so that is out of the way


ok that much about tb, now for a bit about myself IRL.

As I have mentioned, I am 15 years old and live in Slovakia. Nothing really interesting about this country, nothing exciting to do here.
Currently in Middle(?) School, normally middle schools are already based around a certain proffesion or stuff like that, but I dont know what I want to do so I am basically doing higher education but in the english language.
I have a few hobbies. I play football from time to time, same thing with chess. I am also a stuck up snob who loves arguing with people in Discussion.
I also play videogames. SpeedRunners, Civilization 5, Fallout 4, Skyrim and Brawlhalla which I am shit at. I guess I play TB from time to time too, not enough for an ingame active clan, thats also a part of the reason why I am applying to you guys.

Outside of that, I also regularly use the IRC, so you will be able to catch me there basically anytime. I hang around in #ormo and #tll.

Cheers guys.