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Too slow sides (lumbar)
Here in this replay I move tori sides maximally fast with using just sides (lumbar). You can see how slow it moves and after I've made the step it doesn't even turn right because it's too weak.

If you only compare to Mike Tyson training 1.12min

Then tori is not even comparable, tori sides are way too weak and slow so he can't do twisting boxing movements like that.

So how about you fork Toribash 5.0 so normal tori joints have more realistic power / speed / acceleratation properties to make tori more hampa like and hampa can probably test and put more realistic speeds himself, because was involved with a sport or something like that.
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You tend to forget that mike was the greastest fighter in his prime and was trained to be the strongest and fastest person in the ring. But I agree with you it could be a bit faster
kinda supported, the lumbar does move quite slow, a faster moving lumbar in boxing would make dodging more possible in the boxing mod. Also making it more realistic boxing it's rare i see dodges, but ive seen it done before and also done it myself a few times. But i would prefer it to be a new boxing mod rather than updating the current one.

EDIT: i skimmed over the changing the whole game part, im not for that i have years of experience with it already if i had to remaster everything i have learned because joints move different i would honestly stop playing.
Last edited by codyward; Feb 26, 2015 at 05:40 PM.
weed + fire= happiness
Correct me if i'm wrong, but isn't joint force/speed ajustable in the mod maker?
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
This would be a nice addition, however, old replays, styles of fighting, etc, would be greatly impacted by this change. Also, if I'm not mistaken, different mods have things/things similar to this.

On the other hand
Making this sort of a default setup, or using the normal tori figure and making a well working script or something for say, could prove to be indigenous to the game.

Overall, I'm meh about it. Things like this should stick to mods.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
What Link said.
This shit is retarded, you can't just change how the game (yes the entire game, Toribash is based around the Tori) plays out. I really hoped everyone was smart enough to understand that.
Even if this was doable without any major consequences, making the lumbar more powerful would be like adding another chest joint. The speed and strenght of the torso would make shit look retarded.
People really need to give up with changing the default Tori... it would have such a large impact that it is never going to happen PLUS this can be done in the mod maker if there is such a large demand.
Try relaxing your lumbar? I heard that relaxed joints move faster, so maybe once you've got the movement going with enough speed and momentum, maybe you could relax the lumbar and let physics do the work.
Heart of Gold
Originally Posted by Link View Post
This would be a nice addition, however, old replays, styles of fighting, etc, would be greatly impacted by this change. Also, if I'm not mistaken, different mods have things/things similar to this.

On the other hand
Making this sort of a default setup, or using the normal tori figure and making a well working script or something for say, could prove to be indigenous to the game.

Overall, I'm meh about it. Things like this should stick to mods.

Yes, we have some good old replays made my old school players and also current new gen replays, so old version could better be kept as well.
Originally Posted by FistofLife View Post
People really need to give up with changing the default Tori... it would have such a large impact that it is never going to happen PLUS this can be done in the mod maker if there is such a large demand.

The problem is, nobody makes better realistic tori. Why? For example, take gtboxing, very nice environment but the joints move just plain weird and you can't reach opponents with your punches any good.

Originally Posted by B4CKST4B View Post
Try relaxing your lumbar? I heard that relaxed joints move faster, so maybe once you've got the movement going with enough speed and momentum, maybe you could relax the lumbar and let physics do the work.

I think it's not true. In all hits best speed is if you move joint the direction the speed is going. Relaxing only helps to improve power is so other joints don't mess up the momentum (e.g. relax a part when it's not quite the right TF to snap and then move it. But how are you gonna make lumbar move fast from one side to another unless moving the lumbar?