Original Post
Ideas to Revive this clan
Ok people, we seriously need some ideas to revive this clan. I mean we arent even old yet and we are becoming inactive.

Post your ideas here about what we could do to make this happen. Then we can discuss them as a clan to decide what we want to do.

My idea: Is only to be used as a last resort if nothing else works for us.

Last Resort: Try to find a clan that is active and get them to accept us into their clan, either by merging the 2 clans or by getting rid of KO and just joining them..
Last resort: FAIL

1.Ok start kicking all inactive people, unless there on holiday
2. Make new Threads about interesting stuff.
3. Recruit less new people, so no brown belts and below ( cause most people get bored when they hit brown and leave)
4. Start having events, like every Monday have a Clan event.

i can think of many more, but im bored of typing now so ....
Originally Posted by Paralyzer View Post
Last resort: FAIL

1.Ok start kicking all inactive people, unless there on holiday
2. Make new Threads about interesting stuff.
3. Recruit less new people, so no brown belts and below ( cause most people get bored when they hit brown and leave)
4. Start having events, like every Monday have a Clan event.

i can think of many more, but im bored of typing now so ....

Why is the last resort fail? Also, its a last resort, like clan is about to collapse type thing.

1. We can do that. Ill talk to buttchouda.
2. Like what?
3. We haven't recruited anyone in a while.
4. Again, provide suggestions for the event. Also time zone things really screw with this kinda stuff.
Originally Posted by Paralyzer View Post
Last resort: FAIL

3. Recruit less new people, so no brown belts and below ( cause most people get bored when they hit brown and leave)

wasnt this clan called ko cause its not like other clans.....>.>

i think we should have more events and stuff....
It's true the "not accepting brown belts and below" rule would defeat the purpose of the clan's origin.

Gumfighter and I are currently discussing this topic, so await information. NAOW.

EDIT: Yes, we need events, I'll even provide prizes, but everyone needs to get together a time that will work for everybody. And we need active people to do events
We Need Events
events. not every monday, though. i have school on mondays. howsabout saturdays? or what about forum games (Civ Fanatics Forum Games
I would play a forum game. It would gain major activity.
I dont think its the clan as much as it is the game. Atleast, thats why I am inactive. Number one reason why I dont want to play TB alot is the waiting, its beyond rediculous and lame. When I play a game I want to PLAY THE GAME not wait! what is this freaking kings island?