Original Post
[Auction] Rare packs - No Qi!
Hey there,

I'm auctioning some rare packs, including demolition and old gold packs. Remember, these packs require absolutely no Qi!

Demoltion pack

Starting bid: 100k
Min raise: 10k
Autobuy: 175k SOLD

Old gold pack

Starting bid: 80k
Min raise: 5k
Autobuy: 95k

Toxic pack

Starting bid: 70k
Min raise: 5k
Autobuy: 120k

Aurora pack

Starting bid: 70k
Min raise: 10k
Autobuy: 120k

Persian pack

Starting bid: 50k
Min raise: 5k
Autobuy: 70k SOLD

Superfly force+relax pack

Starting bid: 10k
Min raise: 5k
Autobuy: 25k

All auctions end in one week.

Happy bidding!

Last edited by BirdFlu; Oct 17, 2009 at 12:52 AM.
Quit, probably.
they can get it cheaper in your youshop

Birdflu's item world Found: Persian Pack for 70,000 tc % off BirdFlu
Last edited by drool; Oct 16, 2009 at 11:37 PM.

▲ ▲
ill add Dragon force and relax pack and superfly force and relax pack so

ill give u full text 19k and
Dont Drink and Drive Smoke and Fly