Original Post
I am thinking of quitting Triforce because of the shame that has happened tonight. I do not want you guys to be affected by what happened so please tell me your thoughts.
btw this is kntornsrin.
Shame? what shame?
Last edited by ravenger; Dec 25, 2007 at 04:21 PM.
<( O )>
Either way i don't care if you give us a bad rep we can get through this you helped a ton and were always helping out nomatter what and either way i still want you
Kntornsrin cannot quit. He has incorporated so much into Triforce, and if we lost him that would deal a large blow to the clan, plus it would cause unreparable damage to the ranking also to the overall status of the clan. Kntornsrin is one of the most valuable assets of the clan XD

if he wishes to quit then no one is stopping him, but just have him remember that we will always miss him and will never forget him.
ok i've talked to knt it sounds as if as soon as he was told to make more clients for the server he did and then mods and admins where there and BMAN comes in and startes yelling at him and after that juntails comes and lays this huge plate of quilt all over him

<Bman>22:55: Rulesand laws are bullshit why do we have them we shouldn't listen

Bman:i don't need this shit, knt is pissing me off"

he has chat logs of these
bman shiuld have a one week for all the things he said to kntornsrin he swore almost every 3 words he said to knt
okay, according to the admins on IRC, kntornsrin bought a toribooster 1000. He then got into the server, double cliented and set the max clients to 2. This effectively locked everyone else out, and allowed him to illegally pharm credits. Double-clienting is a bannable offense, last i checked. The admins and others found out and told him to open up the server. Apparently, he did not, so the admins overrode the server, booting him, and subsequently banned knt. this is the situation as i understand it.

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~