Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Clan Siege 1st Phase - [WAPOW] vs [Addicted]
Here is the thread that we will use to schedule our wars for the 1st phase of the Clan Siege Event.

This thread is restricted to posts from both clans regarding scheduling, players involved and the mod chosen by the defenders.

The 1st round is WAPOW Attacking and Addicted Defending.

Originally Posted by Clan Monster
Include who will be your players (3 player names for the attacking clan and 4 player names for the defending clan) and the mod you will play in chosen by the defending clan.

For this phase you will be playing the same clan until either clans 3 walls are broken down. Remember that when a player from either side wins they will continue playing in the war until defeated. The clan with the last man standing will win the war and knock down a wall. After a clan wins or loses post the logs immediately in The Clan Siege Thread, keeping all wars in one post for the entire phase. After someone wins you and the other clan will switch positions, the attacker becoming the defender and the defender becoming the attacker. Once again, clearly state who will be the players for your attacking and defending state in a mutual thread in one clan board, to make it easier for us to determine any rulebreaking or a certain clan delaying any matches.

I have chosen Flamesmash, Torigod08 and extremealt as our first three attackers.

We are open to discussing schedule according to Addicted's availability.
Please post your three defenders and the mod and a possible meeting time.
Last edited by Krulls; Apr 12, 2015 at 05:04 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
What happens if someone cant join in as one of the three/four players?

Would there be a swap out right before the war starts or what?

Also good luck to the attackers for WAPOW, represent us well!
Don't believe in a cripple cause he'll prove you wrong.
Yo, as much as I'd want to gather all people for the wars at once, it might be problematic since our 'core' team will have GMTs of +2, +12 and like -5, so in the end it might turn out we'll need to do fights in smaller batches.

Would there be a swap out right before the war starts or what?

Glancing at the rules, it looks like you can swap players before every beginning of a phase (so at the beginning and during each switching of sides).

For trying to set up games I suggest you come over to #addicted, if anyone's online then he will be there. (if you get banned from the channel by bust, query me or icky lol)

Our defenders would be:
whoever comes over faster, doesn't matter much for us, might be shadowelf, note or aikanaro most likely

Mod is more or less whatever for us, with slight preference to taekkyon and dispreference to greykido. In the end it doesn't matter, this isn't any kind of srsbsns.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Agreed a few of us will come over to your IRC and we can schedule from there.
Originally Posted by Clan Siege Thread
For this phase you will be playing the same clan until either clans 3 walls & fort are broken down (total of 4 successful attacking phases). Remember that when a player from either side wins they will continue playing in the war until defeated. The clan with the last man standing will win the war. If the winners of the war are attackers, they knock down one of the enemy clan's walls. If the winners are defenders, they can launch a counter-attack (this means when they become attackers they can choose one defender to ban from the war - turning a 4v3 into a 3v3). After a clan wins or loses post the logs immediately in this thread, keeping all wars in one post for the entire phase. After someone wins you and the other clan will switch positions, the attacker becoming the defender and the defender becoming the attacker. Once again, clearly state who will be the players for your attacking and defending state in a mutual thread in one clan board

As far as choosing the mod, it is your choice for the 1st war.
We choose for the 2nd and so on, so we just need your mod stated in this thread and you have to specify which 4 defenders for the 1st war.

This phase will have a minimum of 8 wars and has to be finished before next Saturday Midnight GMT.
BTW, it could have many more wars than that if defenders win so we need to get started.

Again, I have chosen Flamesmash, Torigod08 and extremealt as our first three attackers.
We need to hear your four defenders and the mod you have chosen and we need to schedule the first war.
Oh right, I forgot that there's no discussion about the mod. Whatever then, let it be taekkyon. Defenders are me, Icky, Wizard and whoever else fourth that is fastest to come to a war so that we can start it sooner.
We can possibly start scheduling fights now and we'd have Icky as our last man standing should 3 previous players lose, because Icky is on a trip atm and will be coming back in like two days or so.

I honestly don't believe we'll manage to organise a complete war with all 7 people present, so I suggest your attackers just hop on #addicted and try & grab whichever non-dq'd [addicted] player now.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
It has begun
Alright guys, we are off to a good start.

At the moment we have extremealt going 2-0 as an attacker.
flxy and JtanK have been DQed.
We are just waiting to schedule with Wizard and Icky for the remaining fights in the 1st war.
Attached Images
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Gj Ext when the defending phase begins pm me krulls, if im not on skype
The Future is Bulletproof
"How r people still in jail? Just make alts lol" -Wizard