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Will they ever make a VR like the anime SAO?
So I was going through google and saw that PlayStation made a VR that kinda looks like the one from SAO but the things is that is not like you lay down and close your eyes and boom you are there playing some VR game like in TV shows. You actually need open space because it requires movement so my question is will they make a VR console thing that will be like SAO if you close your eyes and lay down you wont move in the real world. Can they even do that?
well yes it is possible to make a VR like sword art online but i dont think its gonna be out soon.
we will probably wait another 5-10 years to see it
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
no. and if they do you will have brain damage most likely.
I doubt it'll be anything like it was in SAO, but who knows. Maybe in several years/decades.

Apathetic User
The technology required exists but is very fragmented and not developed enough.

It is certainly possible to develop, but there's a significant amount of time and money that needs to go into it - and right now people are hyped just for HMD so there's not much benefit to developing full dive.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
First we need to figure out how to manipulate a human's electricity from the brain & transfer it into a machine.

We can put VR goggles onto someone, but we can't put someone's entire body into cyberspace. That sounds bizarre. It looks like humanity's not ready to make another dimension to explore.

if we hype more that this technology could bring you realistic virtual sex and your wildest
fantasies, then i'm pretty sure you could get more people on board with funding further

if pornography, prostitution, and human trafficking have taught us anything, is that porn
and sex is where the money is.. also drugs, but not sure how well that could be simulated
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
if we hype more that this technology could bring you realistic virtual sex and your wildest
fantasies, then i'm pretty sure you could get more people on board with funding further

if pornography, prostitution, and human trafficking have taught us anything, is that porn
and sex is where the money is.. also drugs, but not sure how well that could be simulated

Gonna make sure Bill Gates hears about this.

Apathetic User
I have jumbled information regarding the way to make it possible. I couldn't understand all of the term but i hope i could deliver what i mean correctly

'Brain are stimulated by electricity whenever we move. If the scientist found a way to translating that electricity to computer language, they could dive to various possibilities out of it. (Exoskeleton advancement, Virtual Reality game, etc).

Think it like this, all you need is picture yourself doing a certain movement and it will be translated to computer language'

So, due to advancement of technologies and researches. That possibilities will not too far away

P.S. SAO VR game already reach to alpha test

SAO - Beginning

"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
alright that look pretty amazing
if they could make it more realistic that'd be great