Originally Posted by sSLight View Post
a fantasy world, kinda mix a song of ice and fire with lotr and a ton of magic


Can confirm you are George R. R. Martin.

That's interesting, but you'll be writing forever. Fantasy seems like a hard genre to write, lots of idea tossing.
Originally Posted by Worm View Post


Can confirm you are George R. R. Martin.

That's interesting, but you'll be writing forever. Fantasy seems like a hard genre to write, lots of idea tossing.

a song of ice and fire is game of thrones, but the book version
any genre where you have to make an entire new world is pretty hard, you have to fill a ton of important stuff, like culture, architecture what not

me and my 3 other friends work on it, we pretty much spew any idea we have and either toss it or improve it if it fits
Well, I always wanted to write a book that follows Star Wars style, but in a modernized version with much more blood, death, etc. A scientific fiction which also shows many traces of reality.
This quote from the Hateful Eight comes to mind:
John "The Hangman" Ruth: Whatchyu writin' friend?
Joe Gage: The only thing I'm qualified to write about.
John "The Hangman" Ruth: What's that?
Joe Gage: My life story.

Not sure what else I'd write on. Possibly something related to computer science once I've studied a bit more. Otherwise things like psychology, sociology, human behavior, game theory, etc etc all appeal to me but I haven't studied on any of it. Just a fascinating area to think on in general.
Originally Posted by Scilab View Post
Well, I always wanted to write a book that follows Star Wars style, but in a modernized version with much more blood, death, etc. A scientific fiction which also shows many traces of reality.

Read The Darth Bane Trilogy. It's like saying I want to write a Marvel type story where there is blood and death, in which there already is a lot of that.

I'd write a sci fi post apocalyptic type book called The Block, that takes place in 3 different megacities with 8 different characters in which some will never meet, but have actions that shows consequence in other characters story, it'd be more of a fat graphic novel though.
Last edited by T0ribush; Apr 10, 2016 at 02:55 AM.
it would be a mix of little house on the prairie and compound and I would call it "little house in the compound".