Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Rules Of VorteX
Please read all the rules and follow them. All new members MUST read and agree to follow these rules.

Forum Rules:
  • Respect everyone. Poking fun at someone is ok, but if the person tells you to stop. STOP.
  • No Flame Wars. No one really cares if you think apple is better than Microsoft.
  • Don't make useless threads or posts. Making one or two useless comments is fine. More than a reasonable amount will result in infractions. Just use the wibbles people.
  • NO TROLLING. Just like the 2nd rule. You may do it once or so, but if it continues, you will be infracted.
  • No pornagraphy. We don't care about what you fap to.
  • NO EXCESSIVE CURSING. It just supports the idea that your actually 12 years old and just learned what a curse word is. It is fine if used SPARINGLY
  • Please try to stay on the thread topic.
  • If you have an arguement, make it a valid arguement, we're not just a bunch of 12 year old bickering. MAKE VALID POINTS.
  • Just get along with everyone. We're all friends here.

In-Game rules
  • No spamming
  • Be polite
  • No flame wars
  • Just don't brag. It starts fights.
  • Don't ask to opped. Only those who have a high rank will be opped, such as: leader, council member etc.
  • Don't rage. Its just a game
  • NO EXCESSIVE CURSING. Just like on the forums. The occasional word is acceptable. Overuse will result in a warning. If you continue, you will be kicked from the server. If you join back and keep at it, you get banned.

Simply follow the rules and all will be well. Remember, we're all friends here. ~lolpants

(And Psyckho, Feel free to edit this as you please)
Last edited by lolpants; May 25, 2011 at 11:37 PM. Reason: updated
|Ex-VorteX Moderator|Gravitation|<3 Wushu |
Long live VorteX in memory
/me Immediately Breaks Rules
jk but kk
:) "We are happy that Vox is gone = Corrupt and Abusive. He Deserves it." -Toribash Community
Originally Posted by rofldragon View Post
*immediately starts breaking rules* lol jk :P

You posted pr0n? Where? jk.

Also these rules look perfect. I don't see any punctuational error nor any other rule that we could have added Good job.
I am evil.
So do veterans/elites get op?
/me <- op
Or only leaders and council members,
:) "We are happy that Vox is gone = Corrupt and Abusive. He Deserves it." -Toribash Community
Well i suppose if you made the room and there are not or more officers or higher then yes

Also watch me new replay i posted
Basically If you join the room and are a Co-leader, Council member, Elite etc Anything over recruiter you may ask to be opped. But you must have a majority vote if you want to change the mod or any game rules.
|Ex-VorteX Moderator|Gravitation|<3 Wushu |
Long live VorteX in memory
Originally Posted by rofldragon View Post
What rank am I by the way?

You would be the veterans spot unless you want to change it :3
Like me
:) "We are happy that Vox is gone = Corrupt and Abusive. He Deserves it." -Toribash Community