Cishet sounds like Pashtet in my head

(mm i love pashtet, boom)
I don't "fight" for or against anyone passively (on purpose anyways)

If I personally see someone being harrassed regardless and I know the context then sure, I might just tell em to stop being an ass, but I won't give them a whole earful, my point is already made by calling them what they are, a fart.

Internet and real world culture will always be skewed negatively no matter who fights against what, anyways
There's a "place" for everything long as someone wants to put it in one, but you can't really get people to associate with things (TB LGBTQ community for example) if they truly don't want anything to do with it, that's what we all have to deal with.

Fyi I do not support no oppose the LGBTQ community by any means, do what you like long as it's not fucked up
Last edited by Goomba; Nov 22, 2019 at 01:47 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[🥒] x2 🥒x17


Yet Another Goomba Post/Thread
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I’ve known plenty of guys who refuse to even look at a penis because they’re so concerned with other people perceiving them as straight.

Freshman year of college I had three roommates. One would walk around in his underwear a lot and we would always joke he should whip it out and show us. Well one day we're chilling in our dorm, possibly intoxicated I can't remember, and he comes in in his underwear. The topic somehow shifts to like hot girls or something, maybe porn, idk, anyways he's like "Guys I have a boner". We joke he's gotta show us now, he can't just say that and leave us hanging. Neither me or my roommate expect him to actually whip that shit out right? Well the madlad does it, and holy shit, it was fucking MASSIVE. Me and my other roommate (the fully clothed one) exchange looks trying to gauge if we're thinking the same thing. We were, and we let him know, I mean that shit was fucking HUGE, by far the biggest dick I've ever seen though I don't feel like I've seen an exceptional amount of penises.

After that we'd parade him around to our other close friends and essentially try and convince them to take a look at his fully erect penis. It'd go like "Dude, this might sound gay, but like for science, you have to look at his fully erect penis. No homo but it's fucking massive, like you wanna see this, you'll see what we're talking about." Everyone was of course always hesitant and like "No I don't wanna see it" but eventually we'd convince them to take a glance and they'd get it, they'd understand, they always understood. Just one look and they were blown away.

Anyways that's the story of how me and my friends paraded one of my roommates around like a damn circus freak trying to convince other people to look at his massive erect penis.

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة
Forced normalization of things just does not work within social issues like this. Prejudice to things outside of the norm is ingrained in human beings.
Basically what you're asking for is to wrap everyone and everything in cotton wool and make everybody feel special and make sure nobody is offended, or at least adapt to things in control of others. (eg the pronouns thing)

It's cool if you are trans and shit just don't expect people to jump on board with your new-found rule set they must abide by to not offend you. This doesn't mean everybody thinks you aren't worthy of acceptance, it's just that people don't work that way. You're essentially beating a dead horse.

But if you feel you're dealing justice then keep fighting, one wall of text on a video game forum at a time.
Originally Posted by Maya View Post
If this "rule set" doesn't work for you, then you think we're all just making this shit up, and that's transphobic...

Not believing people on merit is transphobic?
Former Item Forger
so when did you decide to feel like another gender?
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
I eat genders for breakfast so i have no issue with or against the issue ill continue living either way for now, gender is a set thing your what you were born as, you can think your something else if you want ill probably misgender you for an amount of time until i forget about it or something
"think we're making this shit up" aka not believing people on merit
"is transphobic" is transphobic

that is exactly what you said. unless I'm misunderstanding the first part of that sentence?
Former Item Forger
it's a serious question, since you are being so open

i want to know the process that led you to this
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
Originally Posted by mwah View Post
it's a serious question, since you are being so open

i want to know the process that led you to this

I'm also curious. Can you remember a specific moment where a switch flipped or was it more gradual?
