Endurance Onslaught 6.0
That Candle Cove just seems creepy. Doesn't sound like a kid's show, at all...I can imagine how it was nightmare fuel, though. Kids just don't expect that weird crap in a childrens' show.
Last edited by Degradation; Dec 26, 2009 at 09:25 PM.
March to the drumming
Show them you're coming
A young boy is in his house alone- his parents went for a dinner party and wouldn't be back until the next morning. The only company in his house is his dog.

As the night grew longer, the young boy decided to go to bed, so he brought the dog with him and set him on the bottom bunk, while the boy slept on the top bunk. He said goodnight to his dog and then fell asleep petting him from the top bunk, with his right arm hanging down over the edge of the bed.

Later that night, the young boy awoke to the sound of dripping in the bathroom adjacent to his room. He felt the dog licking his hand, and told the dog to go back to sleep, as the boy was still very tired.

Later still, the boy woke up again to the sound of dripping- he wondered if he had left on a faucet while brushing his teeth, but he did not care to investigate, as even the comfort of his dog was not enough to conquer a young childs' fear of the dark. He fell asleep once more to the feeling of his dog licking his hand.

When the boy woke up the third time, his dog was no longer licking his hand. He knew his parents would be furious if they found out that he had left the water on all night, so he finally mustered up the courage to leave his room and confront the source of the drip-drip-drip coming from his bathroom.

When he opened the door and turned the lights on, the first thing he saw was blood on the floor. Lots and lots of blood. As he turned his eyes upward in absolute terror, he saw his dog hanging from the shower head with his throat slit and his entrails spilling out of his belly. As he looked around to see if whatever killed his dog was still in the bathroom, hiding, he turned his eyes slowly to the wall.

There, written in his beloved dogs' blood, it read:

"Humans lick too..."
For me, at 0:38 of that video it just goes static. Before that it's just screaming, zooming between three different puppets (a skeleton, something that resembles a sock, and a dancing thing) and a little girl screaming and crying.
What the fuck is this?
Flame Shop
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