Original Post
[WAPOW] Replay Thread
Have you been like a young Pimp yourself and wanted to show off your supremacy to all? Well welcome to...
PimpKilla's Pimptastic Replay Thread!
Anyone is allowed to post replays on this wonderful thread! Just try to follow these few simple rules...
1. Don't harass others on performance in replays. Instead give helpful tips to further their replay making
dreams and one day become a Pimp like me!
2.Don't spam the thread with the same replays or with pointless posts. This thread should look neat to
anyone browsing the forums.
3.Have fun. Should that even be a rule? Everyone who comes and even visits to look at the sick replays should be having lots of fun!
***If you have any issues with rules, the clan, etc. Please P.M. PimpKilla, Flamesmash, Eltyion, or Krulls.***
Other than that I wish the best for all rookie replay makers and, like always, HAVE FOON!!!
Property of WAPOW
Last edited by PimpKilla; Feb 8, 2015 at 08:59 PM. Reason: Added [WAPOW] to title
Don't believe in a cripple cause he'll prove you wrong.