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Your opinion on Furries
Furries are people who are sexually attracked to animals etc.

Its hard to explain, but if you dont fap to animals, youre not a furry.

Do you think this is sick?

I might be wrong, this is what i have been told.
There was a guy in my village who was caught fucking a donkey. He was a married person and had a child. The donkey's owner took him in the animal barn, turned on his camera and forced him to have sex with the donkey again.

He recorded him and showed the clip to all of the village. Soon the "furry" became a suicidal due to the world going hard on him. Turned out he had a mental problem. He still lives though.

Personally, I don't think you should degrade yourself this much. It's a shame really.
So being a furrie is like being gay?
Born that way??

Well, i still think being gay is a choice not being born as gay...
Originally Posted by SchVannia View Post
So being a furrie is like being gay?
Born that way??

Well, i still think being gay is a choice not being born as gay...

It's been proven that you have to become, or be born, gay.
There are differences in the straight/gay male brain.
Also, being a furry is more of a sexual fetish.
Apparently there's a link between people who like pain and people who fuck horses (saw this in Zoo (2007) doco).

So maybe that extends to furries. They're either masochists or just perverts. Pick one.