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How To Market
How to Market

Alright, hi guys. Today, I am making a tutorial on how to market successfully, and double tc.
Alright, so we all know that if you want to buy an item the cheapest, you go to the items board. But, alot of people also sell most of their stuff on the items board. Or, some make the mistak of buying expensive items, and then can't get rid of them. I have had a lot of success with this method, so take out a pencil and jot this down if you want.

1. You want to buy a big bundle of items. Most of them should be around 2-5k on the market. So, what I do is buy about 80 items for 80k, but to start you may want to start with 5 to 10 items. To see how much to pay for, if it is a good bargain, Ex) If the market prices add up to 120k, and you're offered 80k, jump on it.

2. You want to put every item on the market. At first, the popular items will fly by, and you'll sell about 10 items overnight (2 if you bought 5-10). Wait about 2 days after you have sold your last item on the market and take off every item that was unwanted on the market. Then, I would make a thread saying "[A] Starting at 1tc!". Most likely, people will jump on a good bargain,a and you'll be able to bate in people that are desperate for those items. It will usually go up very close to the market price, or maybe even higher. This'll give a good bang for your buck and you should have no problem auctioning.

3. After every item has been sold, you will most likely find yourself in the profit zone. You can just repeat the first two steps, but gradually go up on the amount of items you buy, which will almost always raise your profit every time.

Sorry if this was a waste of your time. Hopefully it helped, and made you some profit. I have made about 120k in my experiences. Excuse errors or lack of info. It's 1 am, and I am really tired.
You should also put in tips on what to buy and how to see if that's a big seller at the time.
This tutorial is pretty good, although maybe a little more steps would help.
This is kind of the basic things to becoming a marketeer, but how bout some more in depth ones?
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
Buy low, sell high.

Yeah, you should put in there that when you're selling stuff, don't necessarily go by market price.

My way of buying:
1. See what others are buying for.
2. Offer low. (They will haggle up the price.)
3. Don't give in too easily. If they want an unfair price, find it somewhere else.
4. DON'T BUY FOR MORE THAN MARKET PRICE. This goes for Torishop too, if the item isn't sold out.

My way of Selling:
1. Buy items using said method above.
2. Put items on market for slightly less than best price.
4. Profit

Good tut. Basic marketeering.

Free TC!

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