this is s sexy ass replay
opener was great and so was the hilikick/headspin type thing
kick was ok and the final boom was sex
everything was too twitchy though
so that was the only problem
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
i think its dead here. personally i think i've done better than this but ye

btw ty eazi, means a lot
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the dreads.rpl (372.8 KB, 162 views)
Last edited by Dezrai; Jan 16, 2014 at 12:36 AM.
You suck. Go die. No but seriously was great. U r mai bby bby <3 Your replays are great. STILL TOO STIFF THOUGH FOR FUCKS SAKE YOU STUPID SKANK
They not getting worse man they still good,
you can get noticed fast if you keep this up dude.
~The Age Of Gaming~