Original Post
Xbox360 Players Welcome.
Here is my thread devoted to us Xbox360 users (in Klan Opposition).

I made this thread because it seems like a couple of our members have an Xbox360 +Xbox Live and I figured this would be a nice place for them to just discuss about all Xbox360 issues, games, etc.

Thread Rules
*Follow these rules
-All forum rules apply (no spamming, double posting, etc)
-PlayStation 3 users do not start a flame war/debate/console war in this thread. Make another thread for that if you want.
-If you do not own an Xbox360, please refrain from any useless posts.

Xbox360 Topics

*Talk about one or more of these topics, just remember to keep it Xbox360 related.
-Gamer Tags
-Game Discussion
-Update Discussion
-DLC (Down-Loadable Content) Discussion
-Almost anything Xbox360 Related
-If you do not own an Xbox360 but thinking about it

[KO] Gamer Tag/Profile Directory
*All members of Klan Opposition (who have Xbox360 + Live) Gamer Tags and other information will go here for quick and easy access!

Gamer Tag: Buttchouda
Favorite Games:
Rock Band
Rock Band 2
Guitar Hero: World Tour
Halo 3
Gears of War 2
Mass Effect
Grand Theft Auto IV

Gamer Tag: saxgod199
Favorite Games:
Rock Band
Rock Band 2
Guitar Hero 2
Guitar Hero 3
Halo 2
Halo 3

Gamer Tag: Nielzteohris
Favorite Games:
Fear 2
Resident Evil 5
Halo 3
Call of Duty 4
Call of Duty 5
Halo Wars
Last edited by Gum; Apr 7, 2009 at 01:17 AM.