Weekend Bash
i dont breathe air we re smoking weed here
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???
Originally Posted by EPOCH View Post
i dont smoke weed


No but seriously,

I started rather recently once that sort of thing became legal in my state. I've just always been curious of what it was like, so now I do it occasionally on my days off here and there.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
That shit caused me psychosis and i thought i was gonna get murdered. Not funny!

I quit because it doesn't fits me.
weed psychosis isnt even that bad compared to the stuff that happens to you on psychedelics, i had panic attack like 3-4 years ago while tripping on dmt and i havent been the same since. weed used to make me freak out too for the longest but my brain "fixed" itself about a year ago and i can smoke again, before if i even SMELLED weed i would freaaaaaak out, id start hallucinating and seeing things and all sorts of weird shit, i do not miss that shit one bit, the dmt trip was probably the coolest and most terrifying thing ive ever experienced

but yeah psychosis is no joke and if u aint vibin with ur shit dont get involved you can royally fuck yourself up on any kinda chemical
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Originally Posted by Kirito View Post
if i even SMELLED weed i would freaaaaaak out, id start hallucinating and seeing things and all sorts of weird shit

Don't go to your local Walmart.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
Don't go to your local Walmart.

i couldnt function for a few months hahaha going to walmart woulda been a nightmare
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.