Surviellance is bullshit. Plain and simple.
The ever present attempts to decrease our personal privacy is shocking to me, how far the government is willing to go to have an accurate profile of you, your family and everyone you know. It's amost as if the government wants to step into your shoes.

To make things worse, we have ignorant people running our countries and cities.
I blame the police force, mainly because they target people who speak out against them or the government, labelling them as radicals.

I'm all for stopping terrorism and targeting terrorists, but a group of people holding signs and marching outside their city capitol building is not a case where tear gas or tazers should be used.

These frequent abuses of power of our government and police force causes the uneducation and fear to be independant of our society.
Last edited by SilentAssassin; May 19, 2010 at 09:59 PM.
Loading really slowly for me, zzz.

But it seems so far that its going to be one of those American things...

I remember when CCTV was becoming widespread, people like Assassin here were outrageed! Same thing, after a while no one will even think about it, and it can be used to solve/prevent crimes as it is made to do.

"I blame the police force, mainly because they target people who speak out against them or the government, labelling them as radicals."
No, they don't. >_>

Abuses of power in your government and police maybe, but remember that we do find out about it etc. You think it will be easier for them to abuse power when they are being monitored?..

EDIT: Oh god I was right, its one of those massive conspiracy theory rant videos!
I'm all for a monitored society, I have nothing to hide, why would I care about the gov't seeing what I do.

It's also taken out of contrast pretty drastically, people that are like: "THE WORLD IS NEW WORLD ORDER THE GOVERNMENT KNOWS ALL EVERYONE WILL BE LOCKED UP IF THEY SPEAK UP" are usually just loons that crave attention that they get from creating conspiracy theories.

heyhey this is 2010, not 1940's Nazi Germany.

Why do these things always have to get into some "new world order" shite?

lol @ 5:05 xD not that shocking really...

I dont know, scan the last 5 to 10 years of news and movies and you can probably gather clips that will make any idea seem like it is impending DOOM for ten minutes. Note that many of the clips are from FOX news -_- and that many of the things are "a new program could mean..." with no reference as to how likely it was.

Don't get me wrong, Im all for the basic ideas of these sorts of things, but I have also learned to be very skeptical of any internet "secret organizations are trying to KILL YOU!" stuff, especially if it uses popular movie clips as emotional anchor points.

If you really want to fight this sort of thing, get educated and active in your society. Sitting on internets calling everyone sheeple doesn't accomplish much.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by Mapleleaf View Post
I'm all for a monitored society, I have nothing to hide, why would I care about the gov't seeing what I do.

they would know when you watch porn. whats your favorite porn, and it means if you do anything the slightest thing wring boom no loopholes, nowhere you can escape to, before u could border hop, no more border hopping, the entire world is third world.....majority poor no middle class, hands cut off for stealing, that kinda thing.

still have nothing to hide? whatabouts ur moneez. They will be taken.... super high taxes for all not fun.
lol sirkill, I really do not think they are going to hunt everyone who does even the slightest thing wrong. That is retarded, and they couldnt do this retro activly, sinc ehtat would require insane disk space.

AT THE VERY WORST: They could use it to monitor a handful of people at one time.
I mean, most contries have live telepone listening capabilities (Im Aus, and I know for a fact we do), but such mass volumes of informations couldn't be stored.

So about all these no hiding etc, lies. You can still hide, and you will more than 99.99% go unnoticed and unmonitored.

People exagerate the system, protip: NO ONE CARES ENOUGH ABOUT YOU TO MONITOR YOU.
Originally Posted by sirkill1 View Post
Door doesnt you know that face gone my nose??! I mean snot james kick in the balls have over nipple! Crack knuckles or ankle day water snow, but queen monkey under till week open for sure beer.

Also jumpy knife toe crest wrestling yesterday, and that is geology crapper snapper if i ever mongrel dance.

Yo man, I dont know what the f*ck you just said, but you reached out, and you touched a brothas heart.

Also Gorman makes a good point about the sheer volume of calls/emails/seedy shite etc that happens. Chances are they wont come hunting you down for stealing my sig link for more on the subject of most people not really mattering all too much :P
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by sirkill1 View Post
they would know when you watch porn. whats your favorite porn, and it means if you do anything the slightest thing wring boom no loopholes, nowhere you can escape to, before u could border hop, no more border hopping, the entire world is third world.....majority poor no middle class, hands cut off for stealing, that kinda thing.

still have nothing to hide? whatabouts ur moneez. They will be taken.... super high taxes for all not fun.

Who ever mentioned super high taxes? even though I wouldn't even mind paying more taxes to fund a highly organised nation. Seeing as that would mean less corruption and most likely less wasted money, the nation'll only get better with that money.

Besides, I wouldn't care about the government knowing about my porn, it's not bestiality or anything like that, that's actually against the law and all.

That, also.
Last edited by Mapleleaf; May 20, 2010 at 01:52 PM.
People slowly adept to anything and do not see the potential harm it can eventually cause if things are used differently ( that is not thinking for yourself and just believing what you are told ).
Just like "we do not live in 1945" we are not going to eradicate an entire races anymore.
Because now we are civil and nice and dont kill lots and lots of people for money and power and recources. Because of the slow changes toward destroying an entire race many of the mindless civilians just though of it as normal.

Yeah lets hope we dont because if we will it will become a whole lot easier to accomplish.

To see risks and potential dangers to yourself and the people you love gets easily discredited by calling someone a doomthinker, instead of actually neutrally thinking some of these concepts trough.

In every war scenario intel is the most important fase of an operation, without it you are blind and have no control.
Camera's everywhere will give everyone all the intel ever needed, especially with systems as advanced as posture and facial recognition.

Sure now you have nothing to hide, but if in the future when you feel safe because you are allways being watched, one law changes on which you do not agree.

That feeling of safety suddenly turns into fear.

Saying it is not a problem is naïvely thinking it will come into hands of people who know what to do with it in a civil matter and you dont want to have to think about it anymore then that. Lazyness of the brain used to its full capacity.

I call it the "i have got enough shit in my life, dont need this on top of it" attitude.

I am not saying it will all be bad, but i am saying that if your attitude is nothing can go wrong and it is all done for the best i think you are absolutely fooling yourself. And underestemating the power of intel in the progress.

It is also funny to see how most people that do not belief that certain of these things are threats to are individual freedoms, gang up on people who do think about it and ridicule concepts that actually are not ridiculous at all.

I think the man at the start of the video makes 100% accurate points.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"