Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Oh dear, im a member of this face book group. looks im gonna be targetted by extrremists :S

i have respect for those who follow their chosen religion, i really do, but a reaction like that. It makes me want to throttle the lot of them. i like to be able to reason with people, not have them go up in arms at the slightest provocation.... i cant understantd the mindset for that, i really genuinely cant. someone help me out?
I am Muslim but I live in the United States and can take a rascist joke.
I found the South Park episode "Super Best Friends" quite amuzing.
And got quite a good smack after.
The people that live in the Middle East are mainly fundamentalists and need to evolve with the society around them.
Otherwise they'll be ridiculed more than ever by others.
My parents always say I need to defend these people because they are defenseless, but I don't think people are defenseless if they can create bombs and take over planes, killing hundreds of people.
Last edited by SilentAssassin; May 20, 2010 at 12:43 AM.
I bet this site would block any pictures too. Free speech is getting thrown out the window to appease a small group of fanatics.
The country is 96% (from wiki) Muslim, and any graphical representation of Muhammad is considered a grave insult to the religion. This group is in effect insulting 96% of the country on a very deep level. I'm all for free speech, but there are times when it goes a little too far.
I realy don't like muslim and his muhhamad stuff. But i realy would like if facebook would be hacked and destroyed. I don't like where people is going to nowdays.
Originally Posted by Onamist View Post
The country is 96% (from wiki) Muslim, and any graphical representation of Muhammad is considered a grave insult to the religion. This group is in effect insulting 96% of the country on a very deep level. I'm all for free speech, but there are times when it goes a little too far.

Media doesn't care to offend 2.1 billion Christians on a daily basis. But Muslims are off limits...Double standards?
This "holiday" is the best way to remedy the violence radical Muslims resort to every time someone portrays their prophet. Yes, it will offend people who have not done anything of the sort, but whats more important: protecting freedom of expression or hurting some feelings?
The bible has "thou shalt not make graven images" for it's second commandment, yet this rule was dropped over time. Islam will change as well.
Last edited by Odlov; May 20, 2010 at 06:40 PM.
Originally Posted by SilentAssassin View Post
I am Muslim but I live in the United States and can take a rascist joke.
I found the South Park episode "Super Best Friends" quite amuzing.
And got quite a good smack after.
The people that live in the Middle East are mainly fundamentalists and need to evolve with the society around them.
Otherwise they'll be ridiculed more than ever by others.
My parents always say I need to defend these people because they are defenseless, but I don't think people are defenseless if they can create bombs and take over planes, killing hundreds of people.

So true man. I've been living in lebanon for the past 3 or 4 years, but i've lived in canada for 8 years. I can see major differences between the two types of people.

@odlov: Man, Most christians are with iconism have you ever seen a church insider? In islam no faces of prophits should be shown. It is against the religion for this to happen
Last edited by ahmadahmad; May 20, 2010 at 07:03 PM.