Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Yoga, Yogi, Siddha Siddhis
The power of the mind and body uniting with the spirit and soul.


I've come across many wonderous and mystical findings in my spiritual and philosophical research over the years and am truly stuck on the concept of bodily maintenance and perfection, the capabilities of the human body still yet unknown to science, the modern world's religion...

This one in particular seems quite fantastic. a notion of pure fantasy indeed, and yet the claims are not new, but in fact older than history itself.

This raises the question of validity.

It seems we've no resources to rely on but our own bodies. No references, no empirical evidence before the matter, only personal experiences and efforts.

Here I am, 24 years old, suggesting we outdo 80 year old yogi.

Quite ludicrous indeed. I am certain of it, and yet... i will continue...


I am convinced that through rigorous training and consistent bodily maintenance, that these Siddhi powers are very real.

Nay, I am convinced that I have, in fact, accomplished Advandvam, Anumimattvam, Prapti, & Yatkamastadavasyati.

If not for these things, i would be much more skeptical of the claims, but i know who i am and what i have done, and i now encourage all others wot work hard and train to become themselves, for who they never knew they ever were.

FOR YOU, to become who YOU ARE and never knew you WERE.

What i would like to discuss are personal experiences in the areas of martial arts, Yoga, T'ai Chi, Qi Gong, and the (concept of the ) supernatural.
I am self taught in all these areas with the limited exceptions of:

12 1 hour sessions worth of Karate lessons over the course of 6 months, 1 hour of diverse yoga instruction, and 12 "chapters", or sections, of Qi Gong stances and purposes.

The T'ai chi i have learned was never taught, but the result of my scoliosis and discomforts forcing me to find relief.