1. one word posts
2. no joke posts
3. contribute to the topic
4. profile infractions and warnings are more serious than they ought to be
5. other websites do things better
And now time for me to actually explain why I believe these things. For starters, I have worked and posted on several of sites including facepunch, reddit, and then other small community forums. When you take your message board too seriously and hold people to a standard that all moderators ought to follow, people who post for the sake of fun will leave. There is way too much control here. As it stands, at the very least, things seem to be somewhat better from years ago. I believe that only has to do with the fact that this forum is letting itself go. I think the direction of the way the site moderates its boards needs to eventually change fundamentally. It can start with minor revamps aswell if need be. I suggest taking templates and formats from other sites.
Understanding that effort to make change is hard and takes people who are dedicated to do the work, this suggestion is far out for some, especially since majority of the members who can make the change are already pretty accustomed to the way things are now.
The clan page and ingame ui was changed and enhanced. Features are improved, but the beef of the community feels entirely based around edgy post skills. The only truly redeeming feature has to do with things like the clan page and organization page. The freedom is much more stout.
I hope you guys can understand where im coming from now with this suggestion ??
as far as specific ideas go, I feel like that has to be up to staff. My suggestion wasn't made for an instantaneous change, it was much more of a concern.
oh, another edit: it's not worth it to prevent some questions from being asked multiple times in new threads. People are dumb
Last edited by Giftedsayshi; Jul 31, 2019 at 11:33 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump