Original Post
[Death Plague] Hall of Rank-begging

Hey members of Death Plague!

Having recently looked at our roster, I noticed that it is in clutters. So, as a lazy way of me organizing them, I'm allowing you all a chance to rank up!

Here's how it works;
You make an application that explains why and what you've done to deserve a rank up. The only restriction I have is that you say what rank you would like to be promoted to.

Shit applications will lower you to abasement.


That's it! Make a good application and I'll promote you.

There is no deadline-- this thread will stay up forever. Take time on your applications and avoid being demoted!

Last edited by ynvaser; Mar 8, 2012 at 04:43 AM.
Well... I can try this...

I want to get promoted because:
-I am good at Toribash, especially for a brown belt. xD
-I can make decent replays.
-I am very loyal to [DP]
-I can make textures. (Not awesome ones like ynvaser but yeah...)
-I have a good personality.
"I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am"[Death Plague] "Light the fuses, BITCHES!"
1. I can make semi-descent textures. (depends on your affliction of decent)
2. Im a good player.
3. I can make some descent replays.
4. Easy to get along with.
5. I am mature but can have a laugh.
6. Ive been posting more recently and i am on quite a lot.
and could i get promoted either 1 rank up or 2 depends but i dont mind but 2 ranks up would be better
Anyone seen my cookie im sure i left it here somewhere...?
i want a Rank increase , cause ive been trying to recruit people for the last 4 days , played with some black belts , improved in wushu , Been Posting , loving the clan , Helping noobs , And All out Promoting.

Not knowledgeable about Creating/editing textures though , No one Seems to help me out on that one , I can Also, if need form a few alliences with single Alumni i know.

I've Learned Running and Starting freerunning mods , Im gonna try to post more replays soon , Cant wait for a Response , Either Way , The future of DP looks Bright , Over and out
